The Mahalwari System: Preserving Land Rights and Exploitation
  191 READS

The Mahalwari System: Preserving Land Rights and Exploitation

To enhance tax collection, minimize corruption and strengthen the Company's economy, the Mahalwari system, a sort of land revenue system, was established in 1822 by the British East India Company. The system suggested splitting the land into many plots and charging taxes based on the production of each plot, which was dreadful for the farmers and wrecked the economy of the Indian population.

Bengal's Battle for Equality: The Ilbert Bill Legacy
  274 READS

Bengal's Battle for Equality: The Ilbert Bill Legacy

In 1883, during Lord Ripon's tenure as Viceroy, the Ilbert Bill was introduced. The bill stated that the district magistrates and session judges in India, who were mostly Indian, would be allowed to hear and give judgment in cases involving British subjects.  The British subjected the Ilbert Bill to severe repression before it was ultimately rewritten in a way that was most favorable to the British. The acrimonious dispute intensified animosity between Indians and the British and served as a forerunner to the establishment of the Indian National Congress a year later.

Empower Women, Empower India: The Mission Shakti Story
  35 READS

Empower Women, Empower India: The Mission Shakti Story

An effort of the Indian government called 'Mission Shakti,' seeks to uplift and empower women by giving them opportunities for social, economic, and political advancement. This comprehensive program puts a strong emphasis on women's safety, education, employment, and political engagement, assisting in the removal of barriers and fostering the development of a more equitable and just society for all.

Delhi’s Darkest Hour: The Siege of 1857
  74 READS

Delhi’s Darkest Hour: The Siege of 1857

The Siege of Delhi was one of the greatest events in the Indian Rebellion of 1857, which forced the British to reconsider their strategy in India. During the siege, the British were fiercely challenged by Indian uprisings for months and only after a protracted battle, they managed to retake control of Delhi.

The Enfield Rifle: A Catalyst for Rebellion
  109 READS

The Enfield Rifle: A Catalyst for Rebellion

The British East India Company's Enfield rifle was nothing less than the spark that ignited the Revolt of 1857. There were allegations that the grease in the cartridges was made of tallow and lard from cows and pigs, respectively, which had a negative religious impact on Hindus and Muslims. The "Sepoys" were understandably outraged by this insult, which resulted in the "First War of Independence" and made the Enfield Rifles an immediate cause.

The Armenian Community in Kolkata: A Cultural Mosaic
  225 READS

The Armenian Community in Kolkata: A Cultural Mosaic

A long history reaching back to the 17th century can be found in Kolkata's Armenian community. They contributed significantly to the city's commercial and cultural scene, leaving their stamp on a number of buildings, cemeteries, and landmarks. In spite of difficulties like migration and falling numbers of their people, the community has managed to retain its distinctive character and keeps adding to Kolkata's rich cultural history.

Alexander's Indian Odyssey: The Mallian Campaign
  186 READS

Alexander's Indian Odyssey: The Mallian Campaign

Alexander the Great waged a massive military campaign against the Mallians in 325 BC as part of his invasion of India which is widely recognized as the 'Mallian Campaign of Alexander.' The Mallians and the army of Alexander fought fiercely against each other, which resulted in a bloody battle and changed the history of India forever.

The Siege of Bangalore: A Tale of Conquest and Resistance
  89 READS

The Siege of Bangalore: A Tale of Conquest and Resistance

The Siege of Bangalore in 1791 was a pivotal moment in Indian history that signaled the start of British control in South India. General Cornwallis' British East India Company assaulted the city and routed Tipu Sultan's army, who ruled the Kingdom of Mysore. Bangalore was under siege for several weeks, which led to its fall.

From India to Cosmos: The Pioneering Contributions of Indian Scientists to NASA's Astronomy Efforts
  641 READS

From India to Cosmos: The Pioneering Contributions of Indian Scientists to NASA's Astronomy Efforts

Dr. Hashima Hasan, Kalyani Sukhatme, and Kartik Sheth, three Indian scientists, had a significant impact on the James Webb Space Telescope's ability to take the deepest and most precise images of the universe. They emphasized the value of broad acceptance and diversification in science, motivating upcoming researchers everywhere.

Ezra Street: Boulevard of Kolkata's Rich Heritage
  229 READS

Ezra Street: Boulevard of Kolkata's Rich Heritage

Kolkata’s famous Ezra Street is renowned for its thriving marketplaces which date back to the British era, and it still serves as a major location for wholesale marketplaces and vendors today. The street is also famous for its culinary scene, historic structures, well-known individuals, and famous landmarks that offer a wealth of activities and sights.


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