A Lifetime of Performances: Ebrahim Alkazi
  267 READS

A Lifetime of Performances: Ebrahim Alkazi

Ebrahim Alkazi is a name inseparable from modern art. A man who was driven by a passion for theatrics also became one who managed to inspire a whole generation of cultured theatre-goers. Much like his art galleries, his collective contribution to theatrics has a beauty that comes only from being sharpened to a point by rigorous self-discipline.

Cleopatra: A Serpent of Nile or Goddess Reincarnated?
  287 READS

Cleopatra: A Serpent of Nile or Goddess Reincarnated?

It is quite unlikely for netizens today to be unaware of the scandalous Queen Cleopatra VII. What we know of her today is perhaps only a fragment of her life, but her legend has incited the imaginations of many. From a shrewd seductress to a divine reincarnation, speculations surround her identity in modern culture. Who was she really? What did she look like? Was she really a seductress? It is time we take a dive.

Taj Mahal: The World’s Most Famous Gesture of Love
  216 READS

Taj Mahal: The World’s Most Famous Gesture of Love

A grand proclamation of love, a world heritage site, and one of the most beautiful of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Taj Mahal is truly majestic. Built by Shah Jahan for his queen, the white marble shines bright even at night, alluring tourists and locals alike. The lesser-known religious and spiritual connotations of the palace were discovered through the exploration of its architecture, the history behind its construction, and the various talented workers who have paid with their lives to raise it to the standards it is held to today.

A Covenant of Salt: The Participation of Women in the Dandi March
  237 READS

A Covenant of Salt: The Participation of Women in the Dandi March

What determines the fragility of a gender? Is it the way they look and behave, or is it the eye that judges them and the mouth that reinstates fragility when it is not present? We do not see women in history as fragile in the face of danger. Rather, it is they who have taken control of the slipping reigns, filling the gaps left by men and pushing for unity on the battlefront. The Dandi March of 1930 is only an exemplar of women’s reclamation of power yet it is ironic how it had to be done through a fistful of salt.

Kamala Das: The Mother of Confessional Poetry in India
  358 READS

Kamala Das: The Mother of Confessional Poetry in India

History has repeatedly shown how the position of women in society has been ever-tumultuous. However, every once in a while, we come across someone who is unafraid and unabashed in expressing their thoughts and minds. Kamala Das, or Madhavikutty, is one such figure who broke literary boundaries and embraced what would famously be called 'confessional poetry' as an outlet to tell her own story.

A Brief History of International Day of Women in Diplomacy
  362 READS

A Brief History of International Day of Women in Diplomacy

It is perplexing that even in the 21st century, the significance of women's involvement in political matters still needs validation. Women's contributions in diplomacy, like in many other fields, have long been undermined, resulting in limited awareness of their profound impact. The International Day of Women in Diplomacy aims to illuminate their roles and raise awareness among the wider population about their valuable contributions.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
  1133 READS

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Individuals expect their lives to be peaceful once they turn a certain age. While some have the courage to fulfil their incomplete ambitions, for others, the retirement age is life-changing. One moment they are valuable assets for their family and the next moment they are treated like a burden. The abuse of elders is one of the many vices of the modern world, and World Elder Abuse Awareness Day seeks to educate the masses about it.

Ranniti: Chandragupta II’s Campaign Against the Sakas
  731 READS

Ranniti: Chandragupta II’s Campaign Against the Sakas

Conquests make a king, and there’s been none more enthusiastic about territorial annexation than the Gupta King Vikramaditya. His lifelong entanglement with the Sakas has been well known throughout history, and rightly so. His fear, animosity, and strategic dealing with the Sakas are a peek into the kind of king he was.

G4B: Technology for Better Mobility
  969 READS

G4B: Technology for Better Mobility

The modern world has seen a whole lot of change with the introduction of technology. Harnessing this advancement, everyday tasks have been made easier for us by people like Anang Tadar, a scientist and innovator, whose invention is a classic product of modern technology directed at making everyday tasks more manageable for those needing extra visual assistance.

Sher Shah Suri: The Conquest of Malwa and the quelling of an unborn rebellion
  476 READS

Sher Shah Suri: The Conquest of Malwa and the quelling of an unborn rebellion

The conquest of Malwa in Sher Shah's hands is probably one of the most controversial takeovers in history. The divided opinion of historians regarding this event still sparks debate.