Kolis: A Community Older than the City of Mumbai
  217 READS

Kolis: A Community Older than the City of Mumbai

Fish is a staple for most Mumbaikars and it is the Koli community that is the lifeline of Mumbai's fishing markets. Fishing for them is not just a part of their livelihood but the basis of their very identity- a tradition that goes back to a period even before Mumbai was born.

Baburao Bagul: When I Hid My Caste
  139 READS

Baburao Bagul: When I Hid My Caste

"The Pen is mightier than the sword" — Well, Bagul's writings are a testimony to it. His awe-inspiring writings have indeed left an indelible mark on the psyche of the Dalits and even the Savarnas. He has inspired generations of Dalits to challenge the prevalent unjust norms and be the forebearers of change for themselves.

James Prinsep: A Workaholic Like No Other
  819 READS

James Prinsep: A Workaholic Like No Other

Prinsep Ghat is a popular place in Kolkata but do we really know much about this great man's body of work? Well, his untiring efforts have been the reason why we know about the Mauryan emperor Ashoka today. Had it not been for him, a huge chunk of ancient Indian history would have still remained a mystery for us.

Deepa Mehta’s Water: Let it Not Remain Stagnant
  292 READS

Deepa Mehta’s Water: Let it Not Remain Stagnant

Water (2005) is a film that portrays the plight of widows in pre-independent India. It illustrates how they were trapped by rigid societal norms, much like stagnant water in a puddle. Deepa Mehta showcases the liberating effect of modernism on their lives during the Gandhian period.

Was Prehistoric India ever home to African Ostriches?
  226 READS

Was Prehistoric India ever home to African Ostriches?

What comes to your mind when you think of ostriches? Well, not India. In fact, India might be the last thing you associate with them. But what if we told you ostriches existed in India too? Though it was approximately 25,000 years ago, their history is a unique one when compared to India’s existing fauna.

The Cobbler Scam-One of the Biggest Scams of Mumbai
  1586 READS

The Cobbler Scam-One of the Biggest Scams of Mumbai

Corruption is common in India but it is only a few of the bigger scams that make it into the news headlines. The Cobbler Scam of 1995 was one such case that moved the nation. It involved not only businessmen and financial institutions but also raised suspicion around several well-known politicians.

Seva Dal: A Story of Falling into Negligence
  251 READS

Seva Dal: A Story of Falling into Negligence

Despite having fallen into negligence, the combative unit of Congress, the Seva Dal still exists today. There was a time when leaders like Rajguru, Subhas Chandra Bose, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, and many more of the like were a part of it. Its story of transformation over time is an interesting one.

Hariti: A Journey from a Child Eating Ogress to a Buddhist Deity
  110 READS

Hariti: A Journey from a Child Eating Ogress to a Buddhist Deity

Hariti’s story of transformation from being a cannibal demon to a benevolent mother figure is indeed very astonishing. What is more intriguing is her resemblance to various religious figures across different religions. Hariti’s iconography deserves special mention for its diverse depictions.

Food and Partition: Migrators Carrying Along their Cuisines across Borders
  644 READS

Food and Partition: Migrators Carrying Along their Cuisines across Borders

The Indian cuisine that we see today has experienced multiple improvisations over the course of time. The partition of the subcontinent in particular played a crucial role in enhancing our cuisine and giving it the present form which we relish so much.

Cinema Theatres of India - Gradually Getting Wiped Off the Map
  439 READS

Cinema Theatres of India - Gradually Getting Wiped Off the Map

Cinemas serve the purpose of entertainment and the various cinema theatres across the country are a showcase of memories for people across generations. However, unable to keep up with changing times, these sources of nostalgia are getting wiped off the map gradually.