Van Mahotsav: An initiative to revive the deteriorating ecosystem!
  369 READS

Van Mahotsav: An initiative to revive the deteriorating ecosystem!

Green trees are good for your eyes says the doctor. Being in nature and around trees always makes you feel healthier and calm. I am sure you would also agree with me on this. Since our childhood, the basic thing that we learn about trees is that trees provide us with oxygen and they help in removing carbon dioxide. Still, people grow up and forget what they had learned in school. Felling trees, industrialisation, urbanization are increasing at a jet speed. Thus, to counter these hazards, a step was taken by the Minister of Food and Agriculture, Mr. Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi, back in 1950. It was the Van Mahotsav, a nationwide festival in the 1st week of July.

Pineapple: A Mughal delight!
  421 READS

Pineapple: A Mughal delight!

Did you know that Christopher Columbus not only discovered India but he also discovered Pineapple? Pineapple, the exotic tropical fruit was initially grown in Brazil. Which then reached India through the Portuguese invaders. Owing to its unique sweet and sour taste it was attracted by the royal families of India during the 16th century.


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