An Angel Down Below

Three nations with a history of conflict mourned together for Neerja Bhanot, an ordinary woman with extraordinary courage who not only met eye to eye with terrorists but also did not bow to death.
A stamp released in honour of Neerja Bhanot, featuring her and the Ashok Chakra; Image Source- Wikimedia Commons

A stamp released in honour of Neerja Bhanot, featuring her and the Ashok Chakra; Image Source- Wikimedia Commons

Amidst the blaring guns, everyone was praying to some god or the other. Who knows if any god could listen to their pleas. Death was buzzing around them, and they could do nothing but accept the end.

When everything else failed, a woman became a hero who saved the lives of others. She had the option to save herself first. She had the option to live to her 23rd birthday. She had the option to not be a hero that day, but when did Neerja stop from making bold choices?

The Pan Am Flight 73 was set on its course from India to the United States via Karachi and Frankfurt On September 5. The journey began from Mumbai with 394 passengers and a crew of 13 members. As usual, the flight made a stop at 4:30 AM in Karachi.

Things were going on as they would on any day, but just before the passengers could step in, two men dressed in the uniform of the Pakistan Airport Security Force stormed into the flight. Suddenly, the aircraft got filled with bullets and an incomparable horror gripped everyone when they could finally understand what had happened- the flight was hijacked.

In total, 4 terrorists associated with Abu Nidal Organization stood in front of them with loaded guns and a briefcase full of grenades. The aim was to target American passengers and in turn pressurize the US government into agreeing with their demands.

At this moment when a paralysing fear overtook everyone, Neerja Bhanot acted promptly and alerted the cockpit crew about the hijack who left the plane using an Inertial Reel Escape Device. With no one in the cockpit, the flight got in complete control of the hijackers. With all senior officers ranking above her now gone, Neerja bravely stepped up to negotiate the safety of the passengers and co-crew members.

At that moment, courage did not come easy to Bhanot. She was scared, but she was not willing to die without making an effort. Giving up easily was never her style, for had fought the world before and would also do the same now.

Born on 7 September 1963, Neerja was a confident young woman with big dreams who wanted to do modelling. Things changed when she got married, but this union did not last long, for she did not find happiness in a life of compromises. Back at her home within months of her marriage, Bhanot picked up her modelling career again, aiming for a fresh start. She had a long life ahead of her, which she now wanted to live on her own terms.

In those days, a US-based aviation company decided to have an all-India crew on its Frankfurt to India route, and Neerja signed up for the opportunity. While she went to Miami to train as a flight attendant, she came back as a purser with a blossoming modelling career. A failed marriage at a young age brings in great stigma from society, and it's often seen as the worst thing that can happen to a woman. Overstepping these archaic notions, Neerja Bhanot was all set to take a stride towards a promising future.

As a dedicated and committed professional, she stepped on the Pan Am Flight 73 with the will to perform her best, as usual. Little did Neerja know, this flight would be nothing she could ever think of.

As soon as the plane got under the control of the terrorists, they made a demand for a pilot from the Pakistani authorities. Upon delay, they shot dead an India born American citizen to make a statement. The message was loud and clear, they wanted all of their demands to be met and if it takes the death of every person present on the flight, then so be it.

The first thing they did was ask for the passports of the passengers. Neerja knew this would certainly put the lives of American passengers in great danger and, along with other attendees, made a daring plan to hide all of their 43 passports in the plane itself.

For more than 17 hours, Bhanot bravely negotiated with the hijackers and gave all possible assurance to the passengers. It was due to her presence of mind that they could take off the plane.

After so many hours and nothing in their hands, the hijackers opened fire. The sounds of the bullets got drowned in the screams of the passengers, who were trying for a miracle to happen. At this moment, Neerja somehow managed to open one of the exit gates. She had the chance to leave the plane first, but she stood back bravely and made sure that everyone gets-off safely.

In this great frenzy, she was helping three children leave the plane and suddenly caught the eye of one of the terrorists. She knew death was coming for her, but yet did not stop from aiding the children first. The next moment, Neerja was getting dragged by her hair and the hijacker shot her point-blank. She was taken to the hospital but could not survive the injuries and died on 5 September 1986.

That day, hundreds could survive because of Neerja’s sacrifice. It’s impossible to fathom the amount of courage she would have required to stand up to men with guns in their hands and no ounce of humanity in them.

What Neerja did isn’t easy to do. Even though she had the choice to be safe, continue with her life and experience it all by her family’s side, she decided to give it all up for the sake of heroes. Grand sacrifices seem like a figment of fiction, but Bhanot managed to make it real. Hero is too little of a title for it.

Although it's not possible to give justice to her bravery with any amount of awards, they still honour her memory. Her act of unparalleled courage was recognized and respected by people all over the world. Neerja became the youngest Indian to receive the Ashok Chakra, India’s highest peacetime gallantry award. With a bravery award from Pakistan and the United States as well, she is the only person to hold these honours.

While protecting passengers, Neerja did not care about their nationality, for them, they were humans who needed to be taken to somewhere safe. Her sacrifice and legacy would be truly honoured when everyone takes note of the lesson of humanity inherent in her actions.

One of the children aboard that flight grew up to be a captain at an airline. He cites her and her unwavering courage that got all of them through the raging hell as his source of inspiration.

Neerja Bhanot is a hero in a true sense. She proved that bravery is the result of empathy and being a human is what makes us strong.


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