Philomath Maulana

With a vision in mind, the potter shaped the clay and moulded it into a beautiful pot - giving it a shape better than anyone else could have - Azad, the first education minister set a structure with deep roots and strength.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad; Source: Wikipedia

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad; Source: Wikipedia

Almost a century ago, a young keen student, born in Mecca, brought up in Calcutta, showed high enthusiasm for education. His initial journey into the world of knowledge began with training in Arabic. Later, when he learnt English, the knowledge endeavours and unquenchable curiosity led him to open ways to newer worlds like geometry, philanthropy, history and philosophy.

He was born in a traditional-religious family but never found the old ways fitting. With questions in mind, he explored the world around leading to the unsettlement of his thoughts. A phase came when he felt relieved from all bonds. He felt free and became "Azad".

Imbibed with Islamic education from the beginning, he began interpreting the Quran, giving away the conformist tradition, he used the innovative technique for the interpretation. His quest in the Islamic world led him to Iran where he met revolutionary activists which inspired in him a nationalist fervour. With the ideas of freedom in personal life, Azad or Maulana Abul Kalam Azad also started fighting for the freedom of the country.

Back home, he met Aurobindo Ghosh and Shyam Sundar Chakravarty and joined a revolution against British rule. He played a major role in spreading the movement in North India and inspiring others to join in.

Azad started a journal called Al-Hilal which played an important role in forging the Hindu-Muslim unity. However, the journal presented extremist views and was hence banned by Britishers later.

Following this, he started another journal, which was banned too. He was jailed post that and released only after the end of the First World War. After release, he raised the Muslim community for Khilafat Movement. He also supported Gandhi's Quit India Movement and became a member of Congress. Azad had a dream of a unified India with autonomous state constitutions but a common military and economy. His dream was shattered by the Partition!

Azad was the youngest President of Congress, taking the post at the age of 32!

After Independence, he was given the position of Minister of Education, ever so rightly, given his enthusiasm for learning. It was his efforts that made primary education a state affair and higher education a union affair of India. Azad believed that education was a basic fundamental right and every individual should have access to at least primary education without which one cannot fulfil the duties of a citizen.

11 November is celebrated as the National Education Day to commemorate Azad's birth anniversary.

He set up the Jamia Milia Institute - one of the topmost universities in the country. He was also instrumental in setting up the University Grants Commission. Azad passed away on 22 February 1958 when he suffered a stroke. He was awarded a Bharat Ratna posthumously!


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