Red Planet Day

From the science-fiction film 'The Martian' to the true-life event film 'Mangalyaan,' human civilization has come a long way. Mars, the fourth planet in our solar system, has long piqued the interest of scientists. For this reason, every year on November 28th, Red Planet Day is celebrated to honour its captivating features. On this Red Planet Day, let us learn and be fascinated by this glowing red spherical structure.
       Intriguing Red Planet                           Image source: News18

Intriguing Red Planet Image source: News18

Our universe is brimming with infinite possibilities. The sky is full of wonders, and space scientists and technological advancements have repeatedly demonstrated that the sky is the limit. Among the many bright objects that adorn our galaxy is Earth's neighbour, which is glowing red.

Mars, the red planet of our solar system, has long captivated scientists. Its earth-like characteristics and numerous possibilities have stimulated every scientist's interest. It has a very close rotational period to that of Earth and, as a result, similar seasonal cycles. As a result, every year on November 28th, Red Planet Day is observed. The day honors the red planet for its captivating character.

Surprisingly, the planet has a fascinating history and is also linked to mythological stories. For example, the Babylonians, who were the first to record celestial events, named Mars 'Nergel,' which means the king of conflict.

Mars' association with the king of conflict is not coincidental; it is due to the planet's red color. Because of the resemblance between the planet's color and blood spilled during wars, the Babylonians considered the red planet to be the God of war. They had no idea that the red color of Mars was caused by the presence of iron oxide, which was later confirmed by scientists.

Red Planet Day also commemorates the day in 1964 when the first spacecraft, Mariner 4, successfully landed on Mars. NASA's Mariner 4 spacecraft was able to take close-up images of the planet. Since then, several space agencies have launched individual missions to better understand and study the planet.

India has also made significant advances in Mars research. The Mars Orbiter Mission, or Mangalyaan as it is more commonly known, was India's first successful space probe to orbit Mars. It has been orbiting Mars successfully since 2014. India's Mars mission also has the distinction of being successful on its first attempt. It is also the first Asian country to have its own spacecraft orbiting Mars.

The red planet, the second smallest planet in the solar system, continues to astound humans with its cold, desert-like atmosphere and two moons known as Phobos and Deimos. It is because of this awe that three operational rovers are currently on the surface of Mars, studying its land and atmosphere. NASA's Curiosity rover is on Mars, investigating the possibility of microbial life on the planet. It is a planet that has allowed space scientists to expand their horizons. Not only that, but the red and dusty planet has earned a place in popular culture. Some of the most popular science fiction films based on Mars are 'The Martian,' 'Mission to Mars,' 'Life,' and 'Total Recall.' Mars, or Mangal in Hindu mythology, is truly a land of wonders and experimentation for space agencies.


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