A Distinct Traveller

Now something remarkable happened on this day in 1796. The public of New York would be utterly surprised by the arrival of an Indian Elephant on a trading ship after its long voyage from Calcutta!
Crowninshield Elephant - Picture from a News Clipping; Source: Public Domain

Crowninshield Elephant - Picture from a News Clipping; Source: Public Domain

The waves crashed on the shore. On the horizon, "America" appeared. The ship had made a long voyage from Calcutta to New York. Captain Crowninshield was bringing with him the treasures from the East, some known, some merely heard of and unseen to the eye!

Onboard along with coffee and other commodities was a giant that walked on four legs and had a nose as long as one of its limbs. It was merely two-years-old but was massive and gigantic. America had never before seen the likes of such an animal before. She had travelled with Crowninshield and his crew for days on the ocean to see a land that none of her brothers and sisters had before!

The Captain had bought this giant animal - the first elephant to see America and the first elephant America saw - in India and brought him along as a travel companion. The entire venture had cost him four hundred and fifty dollars. He expected to make his profits double.

The exhibition of the giant began as soon as she stepped on the New World. People from far and wide came to see it and paid happily. Until Owen, the Welshman was completely mesmerized by the animal. He bought it for 10,000 dollars. From then on, the elephant travelled through America and kept growing bigger and changing owners! Sold and resold it travelled extensively to be seen by Americans.

The most famous American to see the exotic animal was George Washington. Even he had to pay the fee to see the Crowninshield giant, such was its glory!

This was the greatest natural curiosity presented to the people of America. Every description of the exotic animal failed to fit its likes. What appeared to the eye was more beautiful and natural than the descriptions that reached the ear.

Our protagonist elephant set the trend of uncommon animals being put on display. It became the first of its kind, the unique traveller in the dawn of the modern era!


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