A Son Like No Other: The Legend of Shravan Kumar

Shravan Kumar, a seemingly ordinary man, lived a simple life dictated by his unconditional love for his parents amidst the challenges of poverty. His chance to repay his debts to his parents unfolded a tale of sacrifice and devotion. This story states the legend of Shravan Kumar.

Shravan Kumar With His Parents | Source: Pinterest

Parents stand at the core of a child's universe. They are the origin of life and the guiding thread that a child clings to while navigating the complexities of the world. Devotion to one’s parents transcends being a mere quality; it is a duty owed by children. Those not born into privilege understand the arduous struggle their parents endure to carve out a safe space, fostering growth and resilience. Parents lay the groundwork for a prosperous future, offering unwavering support when their children stumble or fall. Shravan Kumar, the epitome of a devoted son, embodies the profound sacrifices, love, and dedication required by the parent-child bond.

In Indian culture, especially in Hinduism, parental devotion is integral. The myth of Shravan Kumar, narrated in the epic Ramayana, serves as a moral compass for understanding the bond between children and parents. Shravan, a teenager aged 18-20, resolved to take his blind and ascetic parents on a pilgrimage to the four sacred centres across the country. Born to hermits Shantanu and Gyanvanti, both blind since birth, Shravan received a proper Vedic education despite their impoverished circumstances. As the only son, he became the eyes of his parents.

Poverty cast uncertainty over their pilgrimage, a journey others undertook with carriages and horses. The impoverished ascetics could afford neither. Undeterred, determined to fulfil his parents' spiritual aspirations, ingeniously constructed a sling-pulley system. His shoulders bore the weight of the pulley, with his mother on one end and his father on the other. Thus, the family embarked on their arduous journey, taking frequent breaks to rest.

Their pilgrimage brought them to the thick forests of Ayodhya, where a young Dasharatha, future father of Rama, close to Shravan's age, was out on a hunt. Mistaking Shravan for a deer near the lakeside, Dasharatha inadvertently shot an arrow, causing mortal harm to the unsuspecting youth. In his dying moments, Shravan forgave the prince and made a poignant request – to provide water to his thirsty parents and inform them of the tragic incident.

Their path led them through Ayodhya, where a young Dasharatha, yet to ascend the throne, was on a hunting expedition. Tragically, mistaking Shravan for a deer, Dasharatha released an arrow, resulting in the mortal injury of the devoted son. Poor Shravan had come to the lakeside to collect water for his thirsty parents. As Shravan lay dying, he forgave the prince and made a dying wish for him to deliver water to his thirsty parents, informing them of the unfortunate incident.


A Painting Showing Dasratha Cremating the Unfortunate Family | Source: Wikipedia

Dasharatha, shaken by the unintended consequences of his actions, fulfilled Shravan's dying wish. However, the blind couple, upon learning of their son's demise, cursed Dasharatha with the grief they experienced – a grief known as 'Putrashoka.' Little did they know that their curse would unfold years later, shaping the tragic destiny of Dasharatha and his beloved son, Rama.

The curse materialised when Dasharatha, influenced by his cunning wife Kaikeyi, faced the same heart-wrenching grief of losing a precious child. The narrative comes full circle, echoing the pain experienced by Shantanu and Gyanvanti upon losing their son. Shravan's story, while marked by tragedy, remains eternal in the annals of legends. Parents continue to share this tale to instil in their children the timeless values of family, sacrifice, and unwavering loyalty. Just as Shravan made his parents the centre of his universe, so too did they make him the focal point of their love, creating a poignant lesson that transcends generations.


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