A tribal community that acquires Hindu legacy

The Gurung tribe was highly influenced by Hindu traditions and customs this is because of the mythical genealogy it carries highlighting the loss of high social standards of the Kshatriya king. Are you wondering how? This story will take you deep into the roots of "Gurung Myth" bringing to light the birth of the community.

Gurung community , Image Source(Gurung people - Wikipedia)

The Gurungs are a hill tribe found in central Nepal, inhabiting the southern slopes of the Himalayas. They refer to themselves as "Tamu" in their language (Ta denotes thunder and mu denotes the sky). Although they are of Mongoloid blood and their forefathers, may have moved to their present site from Tibet some 2,000 years ago, their origins remain unknown. There is no written version of the Gurung language, only a legacy of oral literature. One of the most prominent literary works of the community includes the  Gurung myth whose author is anonymous.

The origin story of the Gurung people describes a Surya (Solar) dynasty ruler who defied convention by choosing his preferred younger son as heir. Lochan, the eldest son, abandoned the kingdom and sought an ascetic lifestyle in the Himalayas. As Lochan set his journey as an ascetic he was accompanied by his wife Kali and a priest, a slave, and their spouses with him. According to folklore, the gang was compelled to spend the night in the company of two prostitutes, while traveling to the highlands.

The women broke the priest's and Lochan's sacred threads during the night, poured wine on their lips, and then escaped. When they awoke, Lochan and the priest believed they had become inebriated and had become intimate with the prostitutes. They continued towards the⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ mountains after feeling ashamed of their actions and abandoning the norms associated with their upper-caste rank.

Three sons, Ghale, Ghodane, and Lama Mahan Gurung, and a daughter were eventually born to Lochan's wife. The priest gave birth to 3 daughters, and 2 sons, Lamechane Mahan Gurung and Plone Lamechane Gurung. One of the two subtribes of the Gurung, the Chr Jt or "Four Clans" group, was formed by the offspring of Lochan and the priest who intermarried.

In order of importance, these clans are the Ghale, Ghodane, Lama, and Lamechane. 16 sons and 10 daughters were born to the slave and his wife. They preceded the Solah Jt or "Sixteen Clans" subtribe and got wedded to each other. The Chr Jt think they are better than the Solah Jt. The Gurung creation story explains the partition of Gurung civilization into the Chr Jt and Solah Jt subtribes. The two groups only marry other members of their group since they are endogamous.

This myth helps to explain why the Hinduism-influenced Gurungs do not exhibit traditional traits of Hindu society, such as a rigorous caste system and commensal (dining) restrictions. Among tribes with origins outside of Hindu society, the mythical genealogy traced to a Kshatriya ruler and the loss of former high caste status is frequent.

It gives tribal people a Hindu genealogy, solidly molds them into the Hindu culture, and creates an identity for the newly emerged community formed by the blend of upper and lower caste, creating a hybrid society and expanding its customs and traditions to both extremes. This community remarkably acts as the touchstone for setting communal standards and the myth indeed the onset of the journey towards the birth of this clan.


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