A village in Kerala where a lamp is worshipped

This small village in Thrissur, Kerala, has a temple where the deity worshipped is a lamp. Sree Narayana Guru had come to Thrissur to place the idol in a newly built temple. On reaching the said village, he saw the state of the place and instead asked for a lamp.
Karamukku Chitambara Temple. Image: SNGSHS/Gallery

Karamukku Chitambara Temple. Image: SNGSHS/Gallery

On May 15th, 1921 History was created in the small village of Karamukku in Thrissur, Kerala. The then-rich family of Perathattil wanted Sree Narayana guru to install the idol in their family temple. Narayana Guru was known for being a social reformer, philosopher, and spiritual leader. He was on a quest to foster spiritual enlightenment and social equality in Kerala's caste-ridden culture.

Kerala was known for its caste system. People were treated unfairly because of their caste and religion. Discrimination based on caste was a factor. High Caste Hindus and low Caste Hindus were the two groups of people.

The Avarnas, low caste Hindus, were denied basic human rights. The Ezhava Community ranked first among the low Caste Avarnas. They were considered Untouchables and even unapproachable, despite the fact that they were Hindus. They couldn't approach a Nayar, a Brahmin, a Namboodiri, or the Vellalas.

Toddy tapping from coconut and palm trees was their customary occupation. Karamukku was no different from the rest of Kerala at that time. The majority of men worked tapping coconut trees.

On hearing the request of the family, the guru refused to place a god for only a certain community and said that he’ll come if the temple is accessible to everyone. At that time the low caste Hindus were not allowed inside the nearby Vishnu temple they had to pray or witness festivities from a distance. The family agreed to Gurudeva's demand and gave land from their property for building a temple for everyone.

On the said date, the Guru arrived and the villagers heard about the occupation of the people. The village was drowning in alcohol.’ Liquor is poison: make it not, sell it not and drink it not’ was strongly advocated by Gurudeva.

At the said time of the ritual, The guru entered the temple and there before him were the different idols of gods that the low caste Hindus’ were allowed to worship’.

He asked for a Vilakku (traditional lamp) to be brought. Placed the lamp on the pedestal and lit it. Brightness filled the dark room. ‘Let there be light and knowledge flow’. He asked for schools to be built around the temple.

Now 100 years later, The temple witnesses generations of students gaining knowledge from the school built around.

‘One Caste, One religion, One God for man’- Sree Narayana Guru

Sree Narayana Guru. Image:Wikipedia

Sree Narayana Guru. Image:Wikipedia


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