Bhishma's Curses - Part 03: Amba curses Bhishma

This is the story of Amba, daughter of the king of Kashi. The king of Kashi had hosted a swayamvar for Amba along with her sisters Ambika & Ambalika, where Bhishma wins them for his brother Vichitravirya, heir to the throne of Hastinapur. However, unbeknownst to him, Amba was already in love with someone else. What followed, is a tale of utter chaos, which changed Amba's life completely, resulting in a curse for Bhishma. Read on to know the detailed story...

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Vichitravirya was the brother of Bhishma and heir to the throne of Hastinapur. When he reached adolescence, Bhishma, on his behalf, participated in the swayamvara of the Kashi princesses Amba, Ambika and Ambalika.

At the venue, Bhishma challenged the princes present there for a duel and vanquished him them all, including prince Salva, who was in love with Amba. Salva and Amba had had decided to marry each other already, via the swayamvara.

When Bhishma, having won the princesses fair and square, took then back to Hastinapur, Amba finally found her voice and told him about Salva. Bhishma, on learning about this, agreed and let her go back to Salva.

However, to Amba's misfortune, Salva now rejected Amba, as she was won by another man, and by rightful means. She begged him to take her, but he was adamant. She went crying back to Bhishma, who tried to marry her to Vichitravirya, who also rejected her on account of the fact that she loved someone else.Amba was heartbroken at being rejected from all, and pleaded with Bhishma to marry her, who also had to reject her on account of his vow of celibacy.This rejection was the last straw for Amba, whose anger now knew no bounds. She wanted to avenge Bhishma, whose misguided actions had ruined her life and so cursed him that she would be the one to kill him.

She performed intense austerities and pleased the god Kartikeya who presented her with a garland of ever-fresh flowers, mentioning that the one who would wear it, would destroy Bhishma.

She then went looking for a champion who would fight Bhishma on her behalf, but failed. At last, she reached king Drupada's palace, who also refused her. Dejected, she hung the garland at the palace gate and went to the forest to perform some more penance.

This story is in association with The Eternal Epics™. You can check out more such hindu mythological stories on their Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and website.


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