Every Human Being Counts!

If human suffering moves within the birth and death cycle, the world will adjust to the changes. If borders define the world, humans will prosper with unity. What If the two coexist, wouldn't it be the most beautiful place on earth?? Today, on Humanitarian Day, we celebrate the lives of those sacrificed in making this happen.
Celebrating Humanity Today and Forever; Image Source: FreePik

Celebrating Humanity Today and Forever; Image Source: FreePik

As an example of a very recent outbreak of a virus that involves multiple variants and spreads quickly, millions of people were affected at once. Life was halted and countries were isolated, but the world still turned over and adapted to new circumstances because there were still some who united like a protective band and helped each other in times of crisis.

There was no dearth of selfless organizations, teams, or individuals who stepped forward to provide services of free grocery, financial assistance, transportation, and everything as and when required in emergency situations. Even though there were defined borders, the world was still united.

It was a health crisis, but humans have had many such crises enlisted in the past. The relation of humans and borders have moved in parallel with each other, ever since evolution began. Yet this has been a proven fact that whenever there has been a crisis, humans have surpassed every border to save their fellow humans.

Apparently, if time had asked us, people who are selfless are the real superheroes who bring hope whenever the world is in crisis. They never seek recognition or laurels, but surely set an example for everyone to come forward whenever society demands and spread kindness with their deeds.

Such is the significance of World Humanitarian Day, which is celebrated on the 19th of every August to pay tribute to the people who risked their lives and entered the battleground without any second thought.

The anniversary is originally commemorated in memory of the UN Special Representative for Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello and his colleagues who were killed in the bombing in Baghdad. In the following months, another suicide bombing was reported near the U.N. Headquarters. This series of events shook the principles of the United Nations and changed the way they handled security since,

the loss of life was deeply felt.

Finally, the day happened when the UN adopted the resolution to strengthen coordination of all the humanitarian members from across the world and designated today as World Humanitarian Day.

Since then, every generous being who loose their lives while saving others is given special recognition as a "Humanitarian Personnel". The day pays homage to every act of bravery performed in the hands of crisis.

From following themes like "We Are Humanitarian Workers" to #RealLifeHeroes, it celebrates innumerable people who chose humanity over anything.

In 2021, the United Nations will run #TheHumanRace to raise awareness for the climate crisis ravaging the world. While it focuses on those who are most likely to suffer from the crisis, it will also talk about people who are already affected or doing everything to raise concern.

As the climate crisis has dominated the headlines over the past few years, this year the theme focuses to bring them to the front table. With every nation and organization on the list, the UN aims to highlight the immediate consequences of climate change for the world's most vulnerable citizens.

Hence, being a part of #TheHumanRace and this day enlisted in our calendars, United Nations wishes to impart the lessons of kindness to every generation and encourage the global community to work together in building a peaceful future.

It comes with a lesson for everyone — where the world is always changing, only humanity promises to sustain the very meaning of our existence.

In remembrance of UN personnel lost in the attack; Image Source: The United Nations

In remembrance of UN personnel lost in the attack; Image Source: The United Nations


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