Gyanganj: A Dimension Beyond Kailash

A place exists on Earth which cannot be found on a map. It is said to be an abode of eternal souls, located somewhere in the inaccessible and the mystical valley of the Himalayas. So how can one reach there? Well, as per the legends one has to have a karmic connection to access and experience Gyanganj.
Beauty On The Other Side, source: Pinterest

Beauty On The Other Side, source: Pinterest

Eternal truth is hidden from our sight. A sight we do not know how to access because it is beyond the covering of our eyelid. Even unknown places on earth once discovered can be located on the map, but Gyanganj is a place which cannot be found through geographical navigation. All our modern scientific notions will fail to try to find this place. Why is that? Because modern science is unbeknownst to the intelligence which is embedded in the immortals of Gyanganj.

The English translation of the book named Gyanganj by Gopinath Kaviraj explains a lot about the mysterious place. He was an Indian philosopher, Sanskrit scholar and Indologist. He mentioned in his book that apart from Gyanganj there are more such places acting as levels of enlightenment, which are camouflaged. Gyanganj is intimately connected to the nature of our body and action. One cannot comprehend the concept of this place until one is capable. Now, all this seems like a riddle. Because words cannot make one experience the ecstasy that only karma (actions) can.

Immortals of Gyanganj are Yogis. Now don’t confuse them with the religious preachers we see around the world. One day when Gopinath Kaviraj Ji asks about the characteristics of a Mahapurusa (great soul), his mentor and a great saint, Vishuddhananda replies, “Son, when there forms honey after growing a bud, who tells a bee to recognize that? He who tries to live in nature-nature herself educates him. There is no need to look for characteristics or any guidelines until there remains artificiality” He further adds that he who is a true Yogi carries clarity about every aspect of life. His body is spiritually elevated, which means that through his wish, he can contract or expand his body. He can change the form of objects with his wisdom and mastery of science. Worldly matters do not affect his heart. With years of practice, a Yogi develops such intense energy that if anyone touches him, will be destroyed.

Vishuddhananda Paramahansa, source: Wikipedia

Vishuddhananda Paramahansa, source: Wikipedia

There are enormous qualities of a Yogi that all the words in the world can’t comprise. Just know, if one seeks him with pure intentions and right karma will definitely find him and there will be no compulsion to refer to any characteristics. To experience Gyanganj one needs to become a conscious being which starts with practising yoga (which in itself is a deep subject) and will take the practitioner beyond Maya (Maya here means falsehood and the world is an extension of illusion) on the ground of which the world works. Hence, explains various perceptions of humans.

Gyanganj is said to exist beyond Kailash and even beyond the sun. Gopinath Kaviraj’s mentor Swami Visuddhananda Paramahansa is also among the expanded consciousness embodied at Gyanganj. He spent 12 years in Gyanganj practising spirituality. These Yogis are said to guide the destiny of the world and contribute to the consciousness of mankind through prayer and practice. The visitor claims that this place exists in a different dimension. A spiritual leader named Guru Sai Kaka revealed his number of visits to Gyanganj. He said that he was escorted by a sage to the divine plane.

The more one works toward enlightenment the more he/she is closer to Gyanganj. As long as we are fickle-minded and trapped within the cycle of worldly pleasures, the curtain of falsehood will not fall off and Gyanganj will remain hidden from us.


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