Hard to Find the Climbers! Here is the Coconut Tree Climber Machine

The Coconut Tree Climber Machine has revolutionized the coconut harvesting industry by providing a safe, efficient, and accessible way for farmers to climb trees. It reduces dependency on skilled climbers, saves time and effort, and improves safety for farmers. Its popularity is growing as more farmers adopt this tool, leading to significant improvements in the coconut industry.
Coconut tree climbing machine

Manual Coconut Climbing Machine. Image source: Novo3D.

Finding skilled coconut tree climbers can be a challenging task for many farmers. Coconut trees can grow up to 30 meters in height, and climbing them requires a certain level of physical fitness, agility, and experience. This has led to a shortage of skilled coconut tree climbers, making it difficult for farmers to harvest their crops effectively and efficiently.

However, with the introduction of the Coconut Tree Climber Machine, farmers no longer have to rely on skilled climbers. The machine allows anyone, regardless of their physical fitness or experience, to climb coconut trees safely and efficiently. This has reduced the dependency on skilled climbers and has made the harvesting process more accessible for farmers.

The machine, made from a combination of stainless steel and galvanised iron(GI) steel, is a heavy model that weighs almost  12.5 kg per set. It consists of two 10 mm diameter vertical solid rods, a moving flat up and down stainless steel plate that acts as a footrest, a 6mm thick GI steel rope that is 3 meters in length, and a pedal. The machine is designed to support a human body weight of up to 70 kg, making it a safe and effective tool for farmers.

To use the Coconut Tree Climber Machine, a farmer simply needs to attach the machine to the trunk of a coconut tree using the GI steel rope, adjust the height of the footrest according to the height of the tree, and then use the pedal to move the footrest up and down. The vertical solid rods provide support and stability to the machine, ensuring that the farmer is safe and secure while climbing the tree.

One of the most notable advantages of the Coconut Tree Climber Machine is its efficiency. With this tool, farmers can now climb up and down coconut trees quickly and easily, reducing the time and effort required for the harvest. This not only saves time but also increases the overall yield of the farm, as more coconuts can be harvested in a shorter period.

Another advantage of the machine is its safety features. Farmers no longer have to rely on just a rope and their bare hands to climb coconut trees, which is a dangerous and risky practice. The Coconut Tree Climber Machine ensures that farmers are secure and protected while working, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.

However, as with any tool, there are some limitations to the Coconut Tree Climber Machine. The machine is heavy and can be difficult to transport, especially for farmers who need to move from tree to tree. Additionally, the machine is relatively expensive, which could be unaffordable for smaller farmers.

Despite these limitations, the Coconut Tree Climber Machine has received positive feedback from farmers who have used it. Many have praised the tool for its efficiency, safety, and ease of use, stating that it has made a significant impact on their farming practices.

Why is there no proper coconut tree climber invented until now? - Quora

The Traditional way of climbing coconut trees. Source Quora

In the state of Kerala, India, the government has recognized the potential benefits of the Coconut Tree Climber Machine for farmers and has taken steps to promote its adoption. The government has launched a program that provides the Coconut Tree Climber Machine free of cost to eligible farmers and also offers training programs to teach farmers how to use the machine effectively.

The Coconut Tree Climber Machine is a game-changer for the coconut harvesting industry. With its efficient and safe design, farmers can now climb coconut trees with ease, reducing the physical strain and risk associated with the task. While there are some limitations to the machine, its benefits outweigh the drawbacks. As more farmers adopt this tool, the coconut industry is likely to see a significant increase in yield and profitability.


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