International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste

Recognising the fundamental role that sustainable food management plays in combating global food scarcity, the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss is observed every year on 29 September with an agenda to minimise food wastage.

29 September was designated as the International Day of Food Loss and Waste by the UN; Source: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations

Observed annually on 29 September, the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste urges us to recognise the paradox of the coexistence of abundance and scarcity, staring right in the face of humanity. Echoing the need for sustainability, the day serves as a powerful reminder of the pressing issue of food scarcity owing to unnecessary wastage.

The history of the observance of this day can be traced back to Noordwijk in the Netherlands where an International Congress was held in June 2019 focusing on the urgent issues of food loss and wastage. The Congress aimed at sensitising civil society organisations, businesses, and governments as the major stakeholders, urging them to devise policies and undertake initiatives to reduce food loss and wastage. Drawing inspiration from the Congress which set the motion for achieving a global action, the United Nations designated 29 September as International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste. The day called for raising awareness about food scarcity owing to its wastage, urging society to tread the path of sustainability.

To combat the practices of wastage of food, the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste advocated for collective action based on informed decisions, an agenda that has only strengthened over the years. With the alarming statistics furnished by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the UN claiming the wastage of one-third of food produced for human consumption, it becomes crucial to question our existing ways of food management. As 690 million people continue to suffer from chronic hunger while a staggering quantity of 1.2 billion tonnes of food gets wasted, the urgency of the issue gets underscored. Not just human lives but the economy too suffers the brunt of this grave crisis as an estimated one trillion dollars is lost annually.

Wastage of food, therefore, has far-reaching consequences. Besides greenhouse gas emissions, it leads to waste of effort, time and natural resources like land and water. The International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste thus calls for action against the wastage of food, which can have grave consequences for both humans and nature alike. Encouraging a shift in attitude towards food production and consumption while aiming to minimise food loss and wastage, the day exhorts individuals, communities and nations to recognise and reevaluate their role as global food producers and consumers.

As change often begins at home, individuals can plan their meals in a way that reduces wastage besides indulging in mindful shopping and reusing the leftovers in a rather creative way. It is crucial to educate and raise awareness regarding the consequences of food wastage, especially among children who inherit this earth. Thus, every stakeholder has a considerable role to play in reducing food loss and wastage with the government devising and enacting policies that work towards the cause and businesses employing production strategies that minimise wastage and unnecessary loss.

With increased capitalism leading to wastage on an unprecedented scale, it has become all the more significant to curb the issue of food loss and wastage. Awareness and dedication towards the cause happens to be the need of the hour, to create a more just, equitable and sustainable global food system. The observance of International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste therefore is one such prominent measure towards ensuring nobody goes to bed on an empty stomach, thereby making nourishment a basic human right for all.


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