International Dog Day

Every year on 26 August, International Dog Day celebrates the loyalty, adoration, and companionship that our pawed friends provide. Initiated in 2004 by Colleen Paige to raise awareness about the plight of shelter dogs, the day now globally recognises the indispensable role played by dogs of all breeds in making human lives fulfilling.

The Year 2023 Marks the 19th Anniversary of International Dog Day I Source: Times Now

It is believed that a dog is a man’s best friend, and both mythology and history have proven it repeatedly. From Yudhishthira’s loyal furry life-long companion in the Ancient Indian Epic Mahabharata to Campbell’s Sinbad, the sailor dog who served for eleven long years, earning five Battle Stars during World War II, dogs for centuries have been providing infallible companionship and protection to humans.

What’s interesting is the tale about how dogs ended up becoming our endeared pets! It is believed that long ago when humans roamed as nomads, a gentle wolf inched close to a campfire, seeking warmth and companionship. Roots of kinship can thus be attributed to that moment of curiosity, millions of years ago, when humans struck a timeless bond with the wolves who later evolved into dogs. International Dog Day honours this association and the transformation of wild beasts into cherished pets, ushering warmth, companionship and loyalty into human lives.

To celebrate the warmth these furry friends of ours usher into our lives, 26 August is observed as International Dog Day to cherish the century-old intimate bond between dogs and humans. Besides this, the day also seeks to raise awareness about responsible ownership while promoting its belief “Adopt, don’t shop.”

Extending beyond a mere observance, International Dog Day unites dog owners and lovers all over the globe as they honour the selfless love, protection and companionship offered by our loyal four-legged companions for centuries. Moreover, the company of dogs has repeatedly proven to have therapeutic potential, making them an excellent choice for providing care to humans facing physical or mental impediments. Owing to their intelligence, adaptable and trainable nature, dogs have been employed on rescue missions, hunting expeditions, and as guides or companions to law enforcement officials. International Dog Day thus celebrates the unwavering loyalty of these empathetic and intelligent canines.

International Dog Day was first celebrated in 2004 when Colleen Paige, the founder of National Cat Day and National Pet Day, decided to observe a specific day to raise awareness about the plight of shelter dogs. Since then, International Dog Day is observed annually on 26 August, with people all over the globe celebrating the indispensable role played by our furry friends in making our existence all the more joyous and wholesome.

However, the day also aims to disseminate awareness regarding animal welfare besides promoting responsible pet ownership. While certain dogs are fortunate to have loving homes, others roam the streets or occupy shelter homes, awaiting a human companion to take them home. International Dog Day thus promotes the adoption of such dogs besides spaying and neutering to keep their population under control. It also discourages abandonment and mistreatment of dogs besides encouraging reporting of incidents of animal neglect and abuse. While advocating for sensible and responsible ownership, the day encourages dog owners to spend some quality time with their pawed friends, such as taking them for a walk or playing fetch, strengthening the bond between the two.

There are multiple ways to celebrate International Dog Day, with some common ones being organising pet shows and parades besides setting up adoption camps. However, the celebration can be as simple as a visit to the local animal shelter for people who do not have dogs as their pets, to dog owners providing extra care, attention, and snuggles to their furry companions. Apart from celebrating the timeless bond between humans and dogs, the day acknowledges the profound impact dogs have as they don several hats to make human lives fulfilling and easy. Their unwavering loyalty and constant support besides profound intelligence and understanding make them a perfect companion. This International Dog Day, strive towards ensuring animal welfare and responsible pet ownership, reciprocating the selfless care and affection offered by our four-legged furry friends.


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