International Translation Day

An opportunity to honour the commitment and efforts of language professionals, International Translation Day is annually celebrated on 30 September. The day acknowledges the role played by translators and interpreters in facilitating dialogue, thereby strengthening global peace and security.

International Translation Day celebrates the spirit of cross-cultural communication. I Source: International Federation of Translators

From Fyodor Dostoevsky, the Russian writer whose works have been translated into almost 170 languages to Panchatantra, the Sanskrit Indian collection of animal fables that has extensive circulation around the globe owing to its ingenious translation, history is replete with instances that celebrate the possibility of cross-cultural communication in a world marked by linguistic diversity.

Observed annually on 30 September, International Translation Day acknowledges the role played by translators and interpreters in bridging linguistic differences. By facilitating the free flow of ideas from one language to another, translation facilitates communication and the possibility of discourse among people belonging to diverse cultures and speaking diverse tongues. The day is therefore a celebration of diversity and interconnectedness

The history of the day can be traced back to St. Jerome, who achieved a massive literary feat by translating the Bible into Latin. To commemorate the historic achievement that unlocked the gates to cross-cultural communication, the United Nations designated St. Jerome’s birthday as International Translation Day. The past as well as the contemporary times are replete with examples of texts which have transcended beyond their original compositions, rendering them accessible to speakers of languages other than the one in which the text was written. The Bible, for instance, which was originally written in Hebrew happens to be the most translated work, having been translated into more than 3350 languages.

Translation thus has intrinsic ties with the preservation of cultural heritage, as literature, folklore, and artistic creations are given a fresh lease of life and perspectives upon being open to translation and interpretation. As the audience base widens, spanning different corners of the world, culture and literature find greater appreciation when rendered understandable and comprehensible through translation.

In a globalised world, translation aids in promoting understanding and dialogue between individuals, communities, nations, and their constituent organisations and businesses. Moreover, coupled with the advent of the Internet, translation has made it possible for ideas, knowledge, and emotions to be disseminated with ease. The annual celebration of the day, therefore, lauds the role played by translation in breaking down linguistic barriers and rendering communication effective.

International Translation Day thus lauds the dedication and expertise of language professionals as they seek to capture the essence of the text. As they make culturally diverse texts accessible, it is worth noting the nuances of translation, which happens to be a skill requiring patience and absolute mastery over at least two languages. Although technology, especially artificial intelligence, has made the process of translation exceptionally easy, human expertise remains unparalleled in translating and interpreting complex emotions, ideas, and the true spirit of the text.

International Translation Day urges us to recognise the efforts of those working behind the scenes, who make it possible for us to immerse ourselves completely in cultures other than our own. In a world that is not devoid of barriers, translators reduce and even eliminate the possibility of miscommunication by conveying foreign ideas and emotions in one’s native tongue. A testament to solidarity amidst diversity, International Translation Day acknowledges and advocates for enhanced understanding and respect among diverse individuals, communities, and cultures. Translation thereby aids in fostering collaboration and unity by bridging linguistic and cultural gaps.

This International Translation Day, let us all engage with at least one translated piece and reflect on the profound impact the work of translators and interpreters has had in turning the world into a global community.


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