Pass! Strike! Goal!

A halfback with versatility and command of the game that made him play from multiple positions, such was Udham Singh Kular’s expertise in hockey- India’s great player born today in 1928
Of speed and dexterity; Image Source: Olympedia

Of speed and dexterity; Image Source: Olympedia

The year was 1948. India had gained independence just about a year ago and had to prove itself at all fronts, including sports. The opportunity came right through the door in the form of the London Olympics. What's better than to take home gold from the land of colonizers. The country got its first gold in the game back in 1928 but this time things were different.

With great dedication and perseverance, the Indian men’s hockey team managed to finish first and the dream of millions of citizens of this nascent sovereign nation came true. Yet, there was one man whose dreams still remained incomplete. A star striker, certainly one of the best in the game, Udham Singh Kular was supposed to be a part of this victorious team but couldn’t because of a knee injury.

But he was not a person who would wait for a chance to drop another opportunity in his lap. Singh stood up and fought for his spot and eventually found his way into the national team. This is the story of Udham Singh Kular, a player with grits, skills and a never-ending zeal to learn.

Born on 4 August 1928 in a remote rural area of Punjab, Kular was never a player in his physical stature. He was short, underweight and didn’t fit into the image of an athlete.

All that glitters is not gold and all that isn’t gold isn’t lead. Singh had a way with hockey, a natural rhythm between the ball and the stick that acted as an extension of his body.

In 1947, he was made the captain of his college hockey team and he got into the Punjab police that had one of the best hockey teams in the country. In the little span of a year, he climbed high and became a brilliant player, ready to represent the country in the Olympics. What couldn't happen in 1948, finally happened in 1952.

This was a grand opening for Udham Singh- India won the Olympic gold as he managed to make a debut for which many keep dreaming about till the end of their careers.

This series of wins continued in 1956. Unfortunately, the winning streak was broken in 1960 as India had to satisfy itself with silver at Rome. With the resolve of hockey masters like Singh, gold was seen against India’s name at Tokyo, his last Olympics. Udham came in with a bang and walked out in style.

His talent outshone at multiple tournaments including the Asian Games and international cups. He even led the Indian Hockey Federation team, charming everyone with his skills.

After winning multiple accolades as a star player for the country and the Arjuna Award, he decided to train the next generation of hockey players as a coach.

Udham Singh was a man dedicated to his sport and inculcated the same spirit in his students, Under his guidance, the Indian men’s hockey team got a bronze medal at the Olympics and a silver at the Asian Games.

Till the end, Singh remained connected to the game that had given him all. This great player left the world on 23 March 2000. The life of Udham Singh Kular is a clear example of what all we can achieve if we don't let setbacks dictate our actions and keep moving forward towards our goal.


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