Protecting the Lungs of the Earth: Celebrating World Rainforest Day

Unlike other international days related to the natural environment, Rainforest Day was established relatively recently, with its inaugural observance taking place in 2017. This day holds gravity because rainforests are not only a valuable genetic resource but they are a treasure trove containing the key to save the Earth. World Rainforest Day is very essential to bring out worldwide attention to the importance of rainforests and their critical role in sustaining the planet.

The Amazon Rainforest | Source: Wikimedia Commons

Rainforests are forests characterised by a continuous canopy of trees that spread out like a lush, green mat. The vegetation in these forests relies heavily on moisture. These forests also provide a home to a wide variety of epiphytes and a diverse range of animal species, making them the protectors of biodiversity. The great Amazon rainforests are a perfect example of the biodiversity in rainforests.

More than half of the world’s species of plants and animals are found in rainforests. In the context of climate change, it has been estimated that natural rainforests emit and absorb vast quantities of carbon dioxide. They also have other climatic effects like cloud formation through recycled water vapour, producing 20% of oxygen in the atmosphere and supporting biodiversity in a positive manner. However, this is true only in the case of undisturbed rainforests, which are a thing of the past now.

It is in this context that having a day to celebrate Rainforests and bringing attention to their plight becomes significant. World Rainforest Day is celebrated annually on the 22nd of June. It is a step to acknowledge the value of rainforests which are a source of many essential resources like clean air, and water and help maintain the overall climate balance.

Surprisingly, the celebration of this day is not even a decade old, it was only in 2017 that an immediate need was felt to declare a special day for rainforests. It is meant to safeguard them and make their importance known. On June 22, an international non-profit based in Austin, the Rainforest Partnership, felt compelled to raise awareness about the role of the rainforests in stabilising climatic conditions.

The first-ever World Rainforest Day engaged over 2 million people globally across North and South America, Africa and Asia. The primary goal of the celebration was to activate a network of environmentally conscious individuals and associations to come together and advocate for the conservation of Earth’s rainforests and accept the fact that they were in danger. The recent news about frequent wildfires in the rainforests across the world shows how vulnerable these ecosystems have become. This is because the geographical conditions in the rainforests are such that the fire cannot start easily without human intervention. Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research also reported about the continuous fires in the Amazons and the reasons were again anthropogenic such as deforestation for infrastructural development, farming, tourism, etc.

These wide-scale destructions not only harm the flora and fauna of the rainforests but also pose a plethora of socio-economic challenges with negative effects on the already dwindling climatic equilibrium. This day holds gravity because rainforests are not only a valuable genetic resource but they are a treasure trove containing the key to save the Earth.

On World Rainforest Day, the activities held include virtual webinars and organised discussions to spread awareness about the rainforests and their importance. It highlights the presence of rainforests in the world, their destruction and how individuals can contribute to helping the cause. Environment enthusiasts, climate activists and NGOs use this day to educate people about climate change in this context and how they can become a part of the organisations to help the environment.

To note a few operations of these bodies — organisers in Australia used the World Rainforest Day of 2018 to encourage students to write to their health ministry about the unsustainable effects of palm oil production in the rainforests of Southeast Asia. Similarly, Amazon Watch used the day to honour indigenous people who defend the Amazon rainforest from the ill effects of mining and lumber production. These stories should inspire other countries to actively participate in saving their rainforests and organise events to facilitate the same.

In conclusion, World Rainforest Day is very essential to bring out worldwide attention to the importance of rainforests and their critical role in sustaining the planet. Especially in the wake of reports from bodies like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that clearly show with scientific evidence how human activities are inducing climate change.


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