Telangana State Formation Day: The Birth of The Land of Three Lingas

From the golden eras of the Satvahanas and the Kakatiyas to the tumultuous colonial period and finally the formation of modern Telangana after multiple rounds of integration and disintegration, Telangana has had a rich history — a history which is honoured on Telangana State Formation Day on June 2 every year.

Charminar; Source: Business Today

A long time ago, located in the centre of the Deccan plateau on the eastern coastline of the Indian Peninsula, there existed a land that would come to be known as Telangana. Its ancient history can be traced back to the reign of powerful dynasties like the Satvahanas and the Kakatiyas, who ruled over the region and left behind a legacy of temples and prosperity. The Kakatiya period is especially considered to be the golden era for the region. Telangana flourished under their rule, and it came to be known as a land of rich culture and heritage.

With time, the region came to be ruled by various powers from the Delhi Sultans to the Mughals. After the weakening of the Mughals, the region saw the establishment of the Asaf Jahi dynasty; the state of Hyderabad was formed, and the Warangal division was part of this realm. In this period, the city of Hyderabad, which became the capital of Nizams, emerged as a centre of culture and trade. Under the Nizam rule, the region saw significant development in terms of economy and regional power.

However, with the arrival of the British in India, after some tussles, Nizam of Hyderabad had to enter into a subsidiary alliance with the British East India Company. This alliance allowed the British to exercise control over the region while allowing the Nizam to represent the symbolic authority. In the early 20th century, a zeal for independence and self-rule was beginning to take root across India. The Indian National Congress led the charge against British colonial rule, and people from different sections joined the struggle for freedom. And the princely state of Hyderabad, after independence, had to be acquired by India through police action.

In the mid-1950s, the newly formed Indian state was facing issues regarding the organisation of states and their boundaries, hence the Indian government started contemplating a linguistic reorganization of states. The erstwhile state of Andhra was formed in 1953 from the Telugu-speaking northern districts of Madras state. And, in the state of Hyderabad, the people of the Telangana region started demanding a separate state, but due to intense lobbying from the Andhra leaders in Delhi, the area was merged with Andhra to form Andhra Pradesh.


The separation of Andhra Pradesh and Telangane  |  Source: Wikipedia

The merger was based on an agreement that provided safeguards to prevent discrimination against Telangana by the Andhra leaders, but the agreement was violated from the beginning. Hence, this merger led to widespread dissatisfaction and unrest among the people of Telangana. They felt that their distinct identity and unique regional issues were not adequately addressed within the unified state and there were issues relating to water sharing and cultural differences.

Thus, the seeds of the Telangana movement had already been sown. Over the years, the Telangana movement gained momentum as people continued the protests, raising their voices for self-governance and the protection of their cultural and socio-economic interests. The movement was supported and propagated by various sections of society, including students, farmers, and intellectuals.

Finally, on July 1, 2013, the Congress Working Committee passed a resolution recommending the formation of a separate state of Telangana. This decision marked a turning point in the struggle for a separate state. Afterwards, in February 2014, the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act was passed in the Indian Parliament, which paved the way for the official formation of the state of Telangana. Hyderabad was recognised as its capital as well as that of Andhra Pradesh.

On June 2, 2014, Telangana was officially inaugurated as the 29th state of India, realising the long-cherished dreams and aspirations of the people. This day is celebrated as Telangana Day. The formation of Telangana is a testament to the power of peaceful protests, and democratic movements, and shows the unyielding spirit of a united community.

Telangana also has a very rich cultural heritage in classical music, painting, and folk arts, and continues to thrive as the youngest state of India. The story of the birth of Telangana weaves together ancient history, the struggle for self-determination, and the perseverance of its people, creating a narrative that celebrates the spirit of Telangana.


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