The Armenian Community in Kolkata: A Cultural Mosaic

A long history reaching back to the 17th century can be found in Kolkata's Armenian community. They contributed significantly to the city's commercial and cultural scene, leaving their stamp on a number of buildings, cemeteries, and landmarks. In spite of difficulties like migration and falling numbers of their people, the community has managed to retain its distinctive character and keeps adding to Kolkata's rich cultural history.

Armenian Christmas at the Holy Church of Nazareth, Kolkata. Image Source- Wikipedia

Kolkata is a city steeped in history and culture and is definitely worth a visit for anyone interested in exploring India's fascinating past. The streets of this city have witnessed the establishment of many communities, one of them being the Armenian Community of India.

The Armenians are believed to have arrived in India before the British East India Company and subsequently became a significant group. Bengal was one of the destinations for Armenians who had fled the Ottoman Empire's systematic oppression of their ethnic group. Kolkata's Armenian Community has a long history and has contributed significantly to the cultural and economic growth of the city.

The Armenian community in Kolkata has made multiple interesting advancements to the city, particularly in the field of architecture. Many significant structures and historical markers in Kolkata were constructed by Armenians, including the Armenian College and Philanthropic Academy, the Armenian Church of Holy Nazareth, the Armenian Church of St. John the Baptist, and the Armenian Street. The Holy Church of Nazareth features a distinctive entrance route with graves commemorating the names of deceased souls. Walking by these graves is a humbling experience, reminding visitors of the departed and calling them to pray for their eternal peace. Numerous Armenians worked as traders, merchants, and bankers, which helped to boost Kolkata's economy. Armenian merchants were responsible for the construction of many iconic structures, including the Queen's Mansion, Stephen Court, the Park Mansions, and The Oberoi Grand, which contribute elegance to the City of Joy and sparkle-like majestic monuments.

The Armenians started to trade actively and aided in the expansion of Kolkata's economy. Along with dominating the opium, jute, and silk businesses, they forged ties with other Indian merchants and European economies. In addition to their contribution to trade, Armenians were one of the leading makers of gunpowder, which was used in the military operations of the British East India Company. With the establishment of the Armenian College and Philanthropic Academy in 1821, the Armenian community launched a number of charitable projects. The institution was founded by two Armenian merchants named Astvatsatur Muradkhanian and Manatsakan Vardanian. Despite being open to students from all backgrounds, ethnicities, and religions, the institution was founded to provide an Armenian education to its students, in their language, about their society and tradition. The Armenians made a positive impact on Kolkata's educational system by engaging in this charitable endeavor.

Kolkata's burgeoning art scene was also influenced by the Armenian population. In Kolkata, a number of Armenian painters resided and produced work that is still respected and valued today. Additionally, the Armenian community coordinated cultural gatherings and festivals that promoted harmony and unity among members of various communities. Every year on January 6th, the Armenian community celebrates Christmas, and at that time, the Holy Church of Nazareth in Kolkata also gets ready to host all the essential religious and customary celebrations. The ‘Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem’ and ‘His Baptism in the Jordan River’ are the two most important events commemorated during the Armenian Christmas season. Additionally, the Armenian Church holds a ceremony to remember Christ's baptism known as the ‘Blessing of Water.’

The history, culture, and development of Kolkata have all benefited greatly from the Armenian presence. The Armenians were essential in forming the city's identity in a variety of ways, including trade, commerce, education, and art. Though there is a small Armenian community in Kolkata today, their contributions still play a vital role in the development of the city's rich cultural heritage.


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