The Kampaheswarar Temple of Thirubuvanam

Situated in Thirubuvanam, a hamlet in the Tamilian district of Thanjavur, the Kampaheswarar Temple is a Dravidian marvel dedicated to the Hindu deity Shiva. Believed to be the last holy place renovated by the Chola rulers, this shrine is a storehouse of treasured history and fine architecture.
The Kampaheswarar Temple; Image Source: Tamilnadu Tourism

The Kampaheswarar Temple; Image Source: Tamilnadu Tourism

Modelled in the Dravidian style of architecture, the Kampaheswarar Temple is an amalgamated contribution of the Cheran, Chola, and Pandiyan dynasties. The legend associated with this historical architectural marvel is as interesting as the actual history of the temple.

The Kampaheswarar Temple resembles the popular Airavatesvara and Gangaikonda Cholapuram temples in its features. King Kulothunga of the Chola Dynasty started the construction of the temple in the thirteenth century as a memorial of his victory during the North Indian campaign.

What makes the temple’s architecture quite unusual is its extremely tall vimana adorning the sanctum, which is absent in other Dravidian-style South Indian temples. The structure entails a shrine dedicated to Sharabha, an avatar of Shiva, that is depicted as part lion and part bird-beast in Hindu Mythology.

As per the local beliefs, once a king was involved in the killing of a Brahmin, owing to which, he faced the wrath of a Brahmarakshasa and was haunted by some evil spirits. Lord Shiva relieved him of the quaking imposed on him by the evil spirits, and hence the name Kampahareswarar came into existence. Another legend acclaims that Shiva had assumed the form to quench Narasimha, an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu.

The Kampaheswarar Temple is in line with the trio of the Great Living Chola Temples. A separate shrine for Sarabeswarar is positioned within the premises along with a metal statue of the deity that depicts the incredible finesse of artistic workmanship.

The form of Sarabeswarar combines the power of four Hindu deities, namely Shiva, Kaali, Durga, and Vishnu. Located about 8 kilometres from Kumakonam, this temple is visited by a multitude of devotees who believe that Lord Sarabeswarar can help remove the obstacles in their lives, neutralise the negative effects of black magic, beget a child, and establish peace and prosperity in their homes. If one wants to delve into the magic of ancient Indian architecture, the Kampaheswarar Temple is a sight to behold.

The deity worshipped at the temple; Image Source: Tamilnadu Tourism

The deity worshipped at the temple; Image Source: Tamilnadu Tourism

The temple has a myriad local beliefs and tales associated to it; Image Source: The Cultural Heritage of India

The temple has a myriad local beliefs and tales associated to it; Image Source: The Cultural Heritage of India

King Kulothunga of the Chola Dynasty; Image Source: Wikipedia

King Kulothunga of the Chola Dynasty; Image Source: Wikipedia


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