The Last Ruler of Bhor

With a keen mind, impressive memory, a spirit of service, and enduring energy that could not be touched; Srimant Raghunathrao Shankarrao Pant Sachiv was not just a ruler but also a reformist and the most studious in the history of the Bhor dynasty.
A Minister and A Reformer; Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

A Minister and A Reformer; Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

The small town of Bhora, located South of Pune, was once a princely state of British India under the Deccan State agency, with a history of Marathas and the hereditary ministers who served under Rajaram Chhatrapati Shivaji. Through time, they have consistently maintained their bilateral relationships based on loyalty, trust, and respect, which flourished even under the British Raj. Moreover, the small town we see today is a development after centuries of institutional reforms that were carried out by various rulers of Bhor state, which is a testament to its social evolution.

The ruling family of Bhor, the Gandekars, belonged to the Deshastha Rigvedi Brahmin community and assumed the status of Raja to become Pant Sachiv (ministers), supporting the Maratha empire.

In this great empire, Shrimant Raghunathrao Shankarrao Babasaheb Pandit Pantsachiv was the last ruler to live up to the ideals of his forefather. Born to the lineage of Pant Sachiv Shankarao Chimnajirao, he succeeded as the next Raja of Bhor after the sacred thread ceremony. Additionally, right from the beginning, it was his intellectual curiosity, progressive values, charming character, and regal looks that distinguish him from all the former throne holders. It is said that in the state's history, his accession to the Gadi of Bhor State marked the beginning of a new chapter of its societal structure.

Following the wishes of his father, Raghunath Shankarrao completed his schooling in Poona and passed with distinction in the matriculation exams of the University of Bombay. Nevertheless, he was always an enlightened and a learned person to an extent that even his headmasters would always praise Raghumanrao for his discipline and academic accomplishments. It is no wonder that being one of the first matriculates, everyone from the royal family was very proud and delighted by the achievements.

The journey did not end there as he longed for a bachelor's degree in the arts field. Thus, he later enrolled in Deccan College of Poona but left it halfway through because of his declining eyesight. In spite of this, he spent time attending few legal lectures during his time at the university, which likely benefited him when he later had to fulfill his solemn responsibilities as the state head. Later, he spent long enough to understand civil, criminal, and revenue judicial proceedings by himself, after which he was recommended for the seat of Bench Magistrate. Since he was hardworking enough, even his father set aside a separate allowance for him so that he would be able to manage his own finances.

Over the years, he had met hundreds of high-ranking officials, liberal figures, and political agents who afflicted him with social-political constraints which were necessary to address and made him want to serve society in a way that was right.

Following his father's death, a decree appointing Raghunathrao Shankararo to assume his father's power was issued. Be it the abolishment of untouchability, building educational institutions, introducing free association, or reforming the government, He made sure that every aspect of state life flourished.

Shrimant Raghnathrao, right from the beginning, released the state from all the centuries-old injustices by giving them the liberty of expression and by eliminating certain outrages from the medieval era. He focused on building a number of schools and institutes in order to eliminate illiteracy from his State, which still stands strong and serves the future of Bhor.

His reign was noteworthy for the rapid advances in constitutional reforms as well as he brought the concept of Lokpaksh, a separate body that resolves internal disputes for everyone. Even an Executive Council of five members was established that replaced the age-old traditional system of the council and helped in dealing with routine matters quickly and making informed decisions.

In order to maintain stability, growth, and contentment among the people of his state, his empire stood on the grounds of liberal reforms with well-planned decisions. The Bhor empire, however, ended with his signing the accession to the Indian Union after independence. The status of being a separate state was lost, and with it, even the guardianship of Raghunath Rao Shankarrao over the state ended. However, one may find that the legacy of Bhor still gleams in the old streets of this town.


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