The Sea-farer who flew

Commandeering over whole ships and becoming a key figure during the birth of the Indian Navy, Sourendra Nath Kohli has been the starfish of the Indian Navy and on his birthday, a small part of his significant career requires a highlight.
The Fleet leader; Source: Wikimedia Commons

The Fleet leader; Source: Wikimedia Commons

Many of us who live beyond the shore into the gruelling centre of India where heat waves can even kill, are oblivious to the dangers of the ocean comparably to the fascinating world of the deep. But this is the era of humanity, great metal giants capable of floating in the high oceans move daily, many of which are for trade ships or the Navy.

Commandeering a group of men homesick and away from where they came is no easy task. No human belongs to the ocean, and nature has been generous enough to spread that news with its under-the-table friends.

Sourendra Nath Kohli was one of the many who was given the responsibility of 8th Chief of Naval staff. Simply, he was the representative of the whole Navy to the Indian government. This responsibility however was the result of many battles and fleets he won over. A B.A. (Hons.) student who probably had plans to recruit into the navy found himself sailing the entire South East Asia as well as the Middle East (Persian Gulf) and then in the middle of a war between two neighbours in the Indo-Pak war of 1971.

Leading over three fleets in senior positions, Kohli had what it takes to lead. His officers also noticed his potential.

The man who was once a communication specialist found himself as a Commanding Officer in the INS Rana meanwhile also being promoted to acting commander in the same year.

During the Indo-Pak war, Kohli was the operational commander of the attacks on the Karachi harbour, which were instrumental in the war as it crippled the Pakistan Navy. For this, he received the Padma Bhushan for his bravery during the war.

He might not be famous as Virat Kohli, but his contributions to possibly saving the lives of his soldiers may have won over them as fans either way. Being a part of the navy is a great thing in itself, but when you lead whole fleets, become the commandant of the National Defence College for two whole years, become an advisor in the Indian Government, you know you are quite highly achieved.


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