The Zion Church of Tharangambadi

Located within the premises of Tamil Nadu’s Fort Dansborg, the Zion Church is acclaimed as one of the oldest churches found in the Danish settlement of Nagapattinam. Besides being a notable architectural piece, the church also has an intriguing history wrapped in its embrace.
The Zion Church is the first Protestant church of India; Image Source: Navrang India

The Zion Church is the first Protestant church of India; Image Source: Navrang India

Built on a site ceded by the Thanjavur King Ragunatha Nayak upon agreement with the Danish Admiral Ove Gjedde in 1620, the Zion Church is believed to be the first Protestant church of India. The structure served as the base for the Danish settlement during the early seventeenth century.

The altar is characterised by conventional Methodist images. Glass chambers encompass the plaques of Jesus Christ and a myriad of the apostles in the form of statues placed on walls facing the devotees.

Located merely two blocks away from the Bay of Bengal, the exterior of the Zion Church emanates beauty with its brick walls amalgamated with stained glass windows and a tiled brick spire. Besides this intriguing emblem of Christianity are umpteen other buildings, including the Masilamaninathar Temple, the New Jerusalem Church, the Town Gateway, the Danish Governor Bungalow, and a series of tombstones positioned within the fort premises.

Fort Dansborg, which houses the church, was once the most integral gateway in the trade network established from Europe to Coromandel for the Danish establishment. A protestant missionary from Denmark sent by Kind Fredric IV arrived in Tranquebar on July 9, 1706 and paved the way for the Tranquebar Mission, which came to be known as the first Protestant mission in the country.

The church stands magnificently as one of the most notable structures nestled in the city. The architecture is a result of subtle Danish creativity combined with a hint of Indian magic.

In 1782, the Zion Church underwent partial modifications and was articulated as a structure that resonates with the modern era. Even in the current scenario, the church continues to be a place of worship and holds hourly prayers and daily services, serving the Protestant sect of Christianity in the area.

The New Jerusalem Church, a neighbour of the Zion Church; Image Source: Tamilnadu Tourism

The New Jerusalem Church, a neighbour of the Zion Church; Image Source: Tamilnadu Tourism

Interiors of the Zion Church; Image Source: Navrang India

Interiors of the Zion Church; Image Source: Navrang India

The church is nestled in Fort Dansborg; Image Source: Tamilnadu Tourism

The church is nestled in Fort Dansborg; Image Source: Tamilnadu Tourism


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