‘Washing powder Nirma’ – Every one’s choice

Washing powder Nirma…washing powder Nirma…Nirma… It is highly unlikely that anyone from the 90’s era is unfamiliar with this jingle or a young happy girl in white frock, twirling around playfully. If we were to see what paid way to the growth of the brand other than the jingle, it was the image of a happy girl on Nirma's packet, poster and Ad. This Nirma Girl along with the Ad jingle created top of mind awareness among the consumers which boosted the sales.
Karsanbhai Patel, the founder of Nirma washing powder

Karsanbhai Patel, the founder of Nirma washing powder - Image Credit Indiatimes.com

<blockquote>Indian movie songs have their own essence, and stay ever green in the minds of listeners even after years. These exciting numbers are not the only tunes people were obsessed with, the advertising industry has also blessed us with some of the most iconic jingles. Back in the 90’s era, it was also the product jingle that everyone, from youngsters to the elderly used to sing. In an era when only a few selected channels were broadcast on TV and in which counted programs were seen, the consumer brands capitalised on the Ad slots to increase their product awareness among customers.</blockquote><p><br></p><p>Brands like Vico turmeric, Pepsi’s yeh Dil mange more, Ujala’s Aya Naya Ujala, Vodafone’s You and I in this Beautiful World, MDH masala’s Asli Masala Sach and many more used jingles and tag lines to capture the top of mind awareness of a customers. These catchy jingles captured the minds of people like any other movie song.One such brand jingle which is ever green in the minds of people is that of Nirma detergent. Everyone used to sing along with the jingle and the sales also increased dramatically following the release of this jingle advertisement.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><blockquote>The jingle of Nirma washing powder used to dominate the lips, while the girl wearing a white frock who was part of the packaging, poster and Ad, looked very cute and caught the eye of everyone. The Jingle is so popular with people that they automatically associate the words washing powder Nirma even today.</blockquote><p><br></p><p>Karsanbhai Patel, the founder of Nirma washing powder used to work in a small government job. He was a chemist at the Gujarat government’s department of Mining and Geology. Karsanbhai worked through the day and made detergent in the evening. He used to make the detergent powder in his backyard, pack them in a 100sqft room in his house and do door-to-door sales of the powder locally.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><blockquote>Karsanbhai had a daughter named Nirupama, whom he and the family affectionately called her as Nirma. On an unfortunate day, when Nirupama was walking home from school when she met with an accident and passed away. Karsanbhai and his entire family were filled with grief. Like any other father, he adored his daughter and wished for her to grow up and make a name for herself. This was the beginning of the Washing Powder Nirma honouring the memory of Nirupama.</blockquote><p><br></p><p>Karsanbhai Patel named his detergent Nirma and featured a beautiful photo of Nirma on the packaging. When the other detergents in the market at the time costed between Rs 13 and Rs.15, Karsan Bhai began selling his Nirma detergent for Rs 3.50 making it affordable to common man. Due to this cost factor very soon the detergent became a viable alternative for low-income individuals.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Karsanbhai Patel used to pedal after work to sell detergents. His Nirma's identity gradually became known throughout Ahmedabad where he lived. But Karsan Bhai had other plans. He wanted to immortalise Nirma throughout India. So he had devised a strategy to ensure the brand reached every nook and corner of the country. </p><p><br></p><blockquote>He created a jingle for his detergent and advertised it on television.&nbsp;Nirma's advertisement aired on the television soon captured the public's attention and the jingle was stuck in everyone's head, from children to the elderly. Since then, Nirma washing powder has become well-known throughout the country.</blockquote><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Karsanbhai Patel has treated the brand as if it were his own daughter and what began as a door-to-door sales today has a 20% market share in soap cakes and a 35% market share in detergents. So Nirupama’s dad Karsan Bhai, did not give up on his dreams even after losing his daughter and fulfilled every dream he had for her through Nirma making her immortal. Nirma has been the household name since 1969 and is still the first choice of washing powder for many Indians.</p>

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