What does Gaia want?

Givers need to have limits because takers don’t have any, is a cliched sentence we’ve read too many times on the internet. While it holds true for humans, it holds equal weightage while evaluating the human relationship with nature.
The Mother, Giver, and Nurturer. Image source: Mythology and gods (Mythologian.net)

The Mother, Giver, and Nurturer. Image source: Mythology and gods (Mythologian.net)

Gaia often wondered if anyone even remembered her. She wasn't furious, but she certainly missed the old times when people were a little more careful and considerate. She remembered when they came and whispered their wishes in her ear, when they gently caressed her hair as they brushed their fingers through a flowing river, and when her children nestled closely against each other while evoking her fire. Feeling a little scared of being burned but safe and warm because of the light and heat emitted.

Gaia wondered what went wrong.

She could still hear people's wishes and desires only now, they weren't directly whispered in her ears. The fruits of her womb were plucked indiscriminately but distributed unevenly. A mother's love is unconditional for all her children, so why is it that her gifts were now controlled by people who only acted like they were in control?

Gaia's fury knew no bounds, but she was aware- any anger unleashed upon the world would wreak destruction and cause irreparable loss. Gaia stopped. Now's not the time- let me see for a while. Children make mistakes. I'm supposed to nourish and forgive.

Centuries passed, and the slaughter on Gaia never seemed to end. It seemed that her children had well and truly forgotten her. She was silent when they stopped coming to her and talking to her.

She was happy to see people content as they evolved. She endured the pain when they mutilated her with every axe razed down on a tree and lands eroded with mining activities. She stayed quiet in the face of humiliation when humans continued to dump their trash in the oceans and lands, ruining the beauty of her hair and body- only to be masked with the stench of greed and destruction.

One day, when Gaia couldn't take it anymore, she unleashed all her fury. The despaired nurturer did not see where her tears rained, and screams blew. Gaia yelled and shook, and the world bore the brunt. Floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, plagues, and deaths- humans had it coming.

Gaia's fury didn't stem from the fact that she took a backseat as the world evolved, but it was the result of the lack of care and sensitivity towards her.

She was tired of being neglected. Gaia doesn't take, she only gives. But when the taker forgets that the provider needs to be replenished and respected and exploits the latter brutally, the former must prepare for unseen wrath.

Over the years, human beings moved away from nature. The real reason for our concern for nature and the environment exists because we know that we can't take anymore. We've exploited the resources to the extent that there's not enough for everyone. When there was enough, we didn't share, and now that we want to share, there's not enough to give away.

We turn to gods and pray for protection. We ridicule the indigenous people who worship natural spirits in their raw forms and live in harmony with their giver.

All lines have been crossed, and all spirits have been angered. There's no telling if Gaia has forgiven us. Nature worship isn't enough to appease her. Eco spirituality might be a start.

Acknowledge your wholeness with nature and stop using this earth as a dumping yard. We've always needed nature, and it was here before us- providing and looking out for us till we stripped it bare of its beauty.

Gaia needs to heal, and so do we. She's always been in our corner, and it's time we worked in her favour. Our interests change every minute, let's stick to good changes permanently. It's time to restore the balance between man and nature and bring stability. That’s what Gaia wants and needs.


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