World Wind Day

Wind energy offers a ray of hope amidst the concerns of climate change. It is not only a renewable and green source of energy but also has a low carbon footprint. Further, technological developments have made it increasingly cost-efficient thus increasing its scope for the future. World Wind Day, calls for recognition of the role of wind energy in shaping a greener and more sustainable future.

Wind Farm |  Source: NatGeo

Wind, a perpetually present yet invisible natural phenomenon, is a crucial component of Earth's atmosphere.  It is the natural movement of air and its components that allows the regulation of temperature throughout the Earth. Awakened by climate change and its severe implications, the global community is preparing to shift to cleaner sources of energy. Renewable energy sources are being inspected to replace conventional fuels like coal and oil. In this context, wind's potential for energy generation becomes paramount.

World Wind Day, also known as Global Wind Day, is an annual celebration of wind and its power. WindEurope and the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) observe World Wind Day on June 15 every year to promote the potential of wind energy. It serves as a platform for exchanging information, spreading awareness, and educating both adults and children about wind energy. On this day, energy associations and other entities involved in wind energy production facilitate several events around the globe. These include visits to onshore and offshore wind farms, educational tours, demonstration of turbines, and enriching workshops.

These days, air pollution and extreme climate change have rendered most cities increasingly inhospitable. Reducing carbon emissions has become a top priority for countries to combat climate change, and wind energy offers a sliver of hope in this situation.  Even though earlier harnessing wind energy was costly and technically challenging, recent advancements have made the process increasingly cost-effective and efficient. Further, its clean and environmentally friendly nature makes wind energy production an attractive option despite the need for elaborate infrastructure.

Wind energy farms harness the force of the wind through turbines to generate electricity. Coastal states are the greatest benefactors of this form of energy. In addition to lower carbon emissions, wind energy is also known for its reduced water consumption as compared to other conventional energy sources. As a result, governments worldwide are accepting wind energy as a clean and renewable fuel source to meet their sustainable development goals and climate commitments.

Despite all its benefits, it is important to acknowledge that utilising wind energy as the new green power source is not without limitations. It requires substantial land and air space, potentially displacing communities and impacting birds’ freedom of flight. Financial and geographical accessibility of wind energy farms are also factors that need to be considered before accepting their implementation. Therefore, the focus of World Wind Day should not only be on harnessing wind power but also on adopting a holistic approach that also addresses wind pollution and ensures that wind farms do not cause displacement or harm to the birds.

World Wind Day, calls for recognition of the role of wind energy in shaping a greener and more sustainable future. It also asks the world to respect wind as a natural entity and acknowledge its intricate involvement in various aspects of human life, from seed pollination to shifts in global weather patterns and oceanic movements.


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