Marco Polo: The Venetian Merchant
  154 READS

Marco Polo: The Venetian Merchant

Explorers, travelers, and traders were rampant even during the fifteenth century and they were inspired and guided by a great deal about Asia by the book called “The Travels of Marco Polo”. This Venetian merchant and explorer were one of the most famous travelers of the medieval era. Much like his travel expedition, his life was also full of adventure. A peep into his adventurous travels is more than enough to ignite the spark of our hidden traveling spirit.

Introduction to Travellers and Traders of India
  168 READS

Introduction to Travellers and Traders of India

The history of India has always been an exciting topic for discussions and debates as well as a vast source of knowledge and culture. Today we can know about anything and everything with a click, but back in the day, people had to travel to different regions, countries, and even continents to gather information. Before the network of the internet, travelers and traders had created a network we connect through even today.

Marathwada Mukti Sangram
  581 READS

Marathwada Mukti Sangram

Even after the independence, some regions of India had to fight again for freedom. This is the story of Marathwada's fight against the brutal Razakars and Nizam, and its integration to India in 1948

Treaty of Purandar
  557 READS

Treaty of Purandar

One of the most important and significant story of Maratha Swarajya.

Travelers of Ancient India
  556 READS

Travelers of Ancient India

Some famous travelers and explorers who visited ancient India.

What if Delhi was not the capital…?
  215 READS

What if Delhi was not the capital…?

Throughout the history of India, its capital was changed by the rulers many times. One such capital was in the central region of India.


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