INX Media: A Tale of Legal Complexity and Resilience
  1230 READS

INX Media: A Tale of Legal Complexity and Resilience

The INX Media case, a riveting legal saga, delves into allegations of financial irregularities and political influence. Survivors endured arrests, prolonged legal battles, and media scrutiny. Although no financial relief was granted, the case highlights the need for judicial reform, transparency, and media responsibility in India's legal landscape.

Unearthing India's Saltpetre Saga: A Journey through Time
  205 READS

Unearthing India's Saltpetre Saga: A Journey through Time

This is the story of how a powder shaped empires, from agricultural innovation to its transformation into a powerful military asset, how colonial powers tapped into this hidden treasure, fueling the Industrial Revolution and how this once-ordinary substance left such an indelible mark on India's destiny.

Climbing the Hills of Identity: The Gorkhaland Movement Unveiled
  118 READS

Climbing the Hills of Identity: The Gorkhaland Movement Unveiled

This is the unassuming tale of the Gorkhaland Movement, a saga of identity and autonomy. It reveals India's complex socio-political fabric and the quest for recognition.

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The Iron Age Revolution: Ancient India's Path to Progress
  134 READS

The Iron Age Revolution: Ancient India's Path to Progress

Iron in ancient India, has a pretty transformative journey from being a tool to the ingenious "phad" technique to its uses in still noticeable modern steel practices. It revolutionised agriculture, craftsmanship, and warfare, overcoming challenges while leaving an indelible mark on history.

The Phad System's Role in Modernising Indian Agriculture
  219 READS

The Phad System's Role in Modernising Indian Agriculture

This is the story of the Phad System of Irrigation, which was born out of necessity in arid India, and harnesses natural contours to store rainwater, transforming agriculture and inspiring resilience.

Humanoid in the Stars: Vyommitra's Role in India's Space Odyssey
  195 READS

Humanoid in the Stars: Vyommitra's Role in India's Space Odyssey

Vyommitra, the ISRO humanoid robot, joins India's Gaganyaan mission. It symbolises India's space ambition and raises questions about human-robot roles in space exploration. Balancing this partnership is key for the future.

How a Mathematician Transformed Industry and Minds
  157 READS

How a Mathematician Transformed Industry and Minds

The journey of Prof. R. Narasimhan, from modest beginnings to mathematical excellence, and his contributions to algebraic geometry, topology, and cryptography, continue to influence today's industry. His legacy of resilience, collaboration, and the universal nature of knowledge inspires us to overcome obstacles and strive for excellence.

E-Governance: Bridging Gaps, Raising Dilemmas
  103 READS

E-Governance: Bridging Gaps, Raising Dilemmas

In the digital crucible, e-governance stands as a visionary idea. A boon for efficiency and transparency, yet a bane with its digital divide and privacy shadows. Globally transformative, India strides forward, a tale of promises and perils.

Victoria Gouramma: The Fearless Warrior Princess of Kodagu
  178 READS

Victoria Gouramma: The Fearless Warrior Princess of Kodagu

This is the story of the captivating legacy of the Kodagu Princess, whose tales of bravery, diplomacy, and cultural enrichment unfold amidst the mist-covered hills of Karnataka's Coorg region. From legendary figures like Kittur Rani Chennamma to the last queen of Kodagu, Gauramma, their stories echo in songs, literature, and even cinema.

Beyond Fiction: 'Ghachar Ghochar' and the Realities of Sudden Wealth
  70 READS

Beyond Fiction: 'Ghachar Ghochar' and the Realities of Sudden Wealth

'Ghachar Ghochar' delves into the life-altering shift of a family's fortunes in Bangalore. Vivek Shanbhag's novella resonates universally, exploring the complexities that arise with newfound wealth– from changing power dynamics to strained relationships. As the family grapples with greed and ambition, their story mirrors real-world instances of how money can redefine lives and unravel bonds.