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A Historical Game of Vengeance
At the heart of medieval politics of India lay the art of warfare. Many kings fought the battle of power, yet not all of them won. The victory of war did not always depend on the number of soldiers alone. It needed a strategic brainchild to lead the army in the right direction. Hold your breath to dive into this thrilling adventure!
The ultimate vengeance of Shivaji; Image Source: The Legend of Maratha Warrior

Happened on 10th November 1659

The Adil Shahi dynasty enjoyed an undisputed rule over Bijapur and its neighbouring regions. By the time young Ali Adil Shah-II ascended the throne, the supremacy of the Adil Shahi court felt threatened by the Mughals and the Marathas. Even though it was Chhatrapati Shivaji who maimed the rule of the Adil Shahi dynasty, Mughals often shoulder the blame too.

It all started with the rising influence of Shivaji in the Maval area, a territory close to the Adil Shahis. Shivaji thus became a potential threat to the dynasty. The situation was a bitter pill for Ali Adil Shah-II's mother (the de facto ruler) to swallow. She then invents a devious plan with Afzal Khan as its protagonist. Afzal Khan being the able commander that he was, agreed to befriend Shivaji in the disguise of murdering him.

From the Maratha point of view, Chhatrapati Shivaji was looking for an ideal moment to slay his enemy, Afzal Khan. The latter murdered Shivaji's brother in a battle, sowing the seeds of revenge. Shivaji was ready to pounce on his prey to avenge his brother's death.

The rising tension promised the bloodiest of battles in foresight. Both Afzal Khan and Shivaji knew that no amount of negotiations could redeem their differences. As a result, a meeting was held on November 9, 1659, to reach a peaceful solution. The meeting was to happen inside a shamiyana or tent at the foothills of the fort of Pratapgarh.

The enmity between the two of them breached the word of loyalty. While Khan carried a katyar (dagger) secretly, Shivaji wore armour beneath his clothes alongside a wagh nakha (tiger claws, a common medieval era weapon).

Extending the hand of faux friendship to Shivaji, Khan rose to hug him. With the motive of stabbing Shivaji, he plunged his dagger into Shivaji's back, only for it to backfire. Shivaji himself wasted no time and slashed Khan's stomach with tiger claws, disembowelling him. The painful howls of Khan alerted his guards stationed outside the tent, who entered to protect their commander but to no avail. Shivaji's guards jumped into the scene and successfully protected their ruler.

In the meantime, an injured Khan escaped the tent with the plans of fleeing. Alas! Fate had already written his painful death. On Shivaji's commands, his guards and commander followed Khan and soon gained on him. They immediately beheaded Khan, which was sent as a gift for Shivaji's mother to Rajgad, who was still mourning the deceitful death of her elder son.

Not only this, but Shivaji came fully prepared for the war, which commenced on 10th November 1659. In the lush greenery surrounding the fort was his army, ready to win it. As soon as Shivaji let out the war cry, his soldiers marched into the fort, slaying every Adil Shahi on their way. This action took the Adil Shahi forces by surprise. Without the guidance of their able leader, Khan, the army couldn't withstand the onslaught of Maratha forces.

Shivaji did not stop there. Marching forward with his zealous forces, he captured 23 other forts of Adil Shahi territory. Ali Adil Shah-II lost one-fourth of his territory to Shivaji, not counting the numerous coffers plundered by the latter.

With the Battle of Pratapgarh, Shivaji thus gave birth to the future Maratha Empire. His ingenious planning, skills and military prowess established him as an able king, promising a bright future to the Marathas.


Leha Biswas Author
The crooked awkward cookie who loves to procrastinate but is driven by random bouts of ambition while daydreaming of a loaded future. Yass! That's me.

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