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Gunda Dhur: The Garuda of Bastar
Indian Independence has not happened overnight. It is provided by the British after various movements, revolts, battles and wars. History books in school have talked about the great people who fought for the nation under the title “Freedom Fighters.” But the minorities were left out from the list of people suffering under the British and fought against them. Among them, one such minority group is the Bastar tribe and their hero Gunda Dhur.

Tribal History: Stories of their identity and struggle

Never forget people who helped you out while everyone else is making excuses. In that grateful category, we always praise the great freedom fighters of Independence, neglecting the little heroes whose part is also vital. One among the forgotten fighters is Gunda Dhur, the tribal leader.

In the southernmost part of Chattisgarh live the people of Bastar Kingdom. This Kingdom is a mixture of tribal groups such as Dhurwas, Bhatras, Maria, Halbas, and Muria Gonds. They live symbiotically with forests and solely depend on their sources for their living. This group strongly believes their motherland is their God, and the main motto of their life is to protect it. During the colonial period, Britishers started to occupy several parts of India, and their attention turned to Bastar. The Britishers passed the forest laws, declaring two-thirds of the forest area would be reserved under the British Government. Shifting Cultivation and hunting were prohibited, which created legitimate concerns and consternation peeking into the lives of the indigenous forest tribes.

As the forests came under the control of the Britishers, the tribal people were forced to work under the forest department. As there were no proper wages for food, people’s lives became miserable, leading to famine. This was the status of all the forests and the inhabitants. One among them was the Dhurwa tribe which resides in the Kanger forest. In that forest, Nethanar was a village, and its leader was Gunda Dhur. A charismatic leader and a great hero of the Bastar people was Gunda Dhur. He started a tribal revolt against the Britishers with the usage of wild weapons like swords and arrows. This revolt is famously known as Bhumkal Freedom Movement. Their strength was their courage and endurance. They widened the group by secretly circulating chillies, mango boughs, and arrows to join a rebellion.

Their first goal was to loot the markets associated with the Britishers. Then, they looted some officials' houses and attacked some police stations too. Missionary schools were also burnt. Their motto was to sweep out the British from their land. Under the valorous Gunda Dhur, the revolt was tremendous. The entire British unit vanished from the Bastar kingdom within a week.

Source: wordpress

Being afraid of the tribes seemed detestable to the Britishers. This humiliation led them to talk to Sonu Manjhi, another powerful fighter in the team of Gunda Dhur. They convinced him to stop the revolt on a mutual deal of money and other incentives so the Britishers could suppress the revolt.

Records say that the last revolt took place at Alinargon village. Though the tribal people came for some peace terms, the Britishers were afraid to give them another chance. They mercilessly slaughtered the family of the rebels. To keep the heat of the fear in the locals, they tortured them in all possible ways and also dragged them through the public, tying them to the horses. It took three months for the British to establish their supremacy.

Now, the attention of the Britishers was completely on Gunda Dhur, who gathered people and started various revolts. They hunted throughout the forest and surroundings, but all the attempts were wasted as they could not find him at all henceforth, their search for the tribal leader went in vain. This tireless agitator remained unfound, and his death is mysterious as no one knows of his remains. His ventures resulted in the suspension of the reserved forest, and the area occupied by the government was reduced to half its original size.

Gunda Dhur, a god, was born and saved his people and silently vanished in the air of his motherland and forest once his task was accomplished. He is still alive in the folklore and songs of Chattisgarh. His face was kept as the tableau in the 2014 Annual Republic Day Parade. Gunda Dhur guarded his people as Garuda guarded Shantinatha bhagwan as per Jain mythology.


Sreelaxmi Rajaraman Author
I can not explore this whole world, and so I am creating one for me

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