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Shyam Saran Negi: First Voter of Independent India
Uncover the remarkable tale of a pioneering individual who made history by casting the first vote in India. His example serves as a powerful reminder, inspiring future generations to embrace democracy and take up their civic duty. An extraordinary story that will never be forgotten
Shyam Saran Negi; (Source: Image Tweeted By @mygovindia)

Unveiling the legacy of India's first voter, a trailblazer in democracy and civic responsibility.

On October 25th, 1951, India's history was forever changed, with Shyam Saran Negi becoming the first voter in the newly independent country. Negi, born in Kalpa, Himachal Pradesh, on July 1, 1917, had spent countless years as a school teacher working in his area of residence. However, when India declared its independence from Britain, Negi took it upon himself to make sure he could be part of the new democratic system that was being established.

In the mountainous region of his district, the heavy snowfall during the winter months would have made it difficult for people of the area to participate in the electoral process. In order to prevent this from happening, the state opened polling booths five months earlier than the 1952 election date and provided alternate arrangements for those living in remote areas. Therefore, at the age of 34, Shyam Saran Negi was able to cast his vote in Kalpa and make history. His legacy and courage live on today, inspiring others to take part in their democracy and become active citizens.

For nearly seventy years, Mr Negi has been an exemplary voter. He has taken his responsibility to choose the best leaders for our country seriously and has consistently cast a ballot in every single voting opportunity since 1951. By using his vote, Mr Negi has continued to show us that each and every citizen's voice counts in the democratic process.

In 2014, the Electoral Commission appointed Mr Negi as their brand ambassador to help raise awareness of the importance of voting. Through his involvement with the Electoral Commission, Mr Negi has reached millions of people with his message of encouragement to participate in the general election. To further emphasize this message, Google released a special video featuring Mr Negi, which highlighted why citizens should take the time to vote and what would happen if they didn't. By appearing in this video, Mr Negi was able to reach a wider audience and drive home the point that every individual's vote matters.

On November 2, 2022, Negi - who had been the Election Commission's brand ambassador for over 50 years - cast his vote in the Himachal Pradesh assembly polls by postal ballot. Having turned 105 in July 2022, he has seen first-hand the evolution of India's democracy since its independence in 1947. It was his last opportunity to exercise his right as a citizen to select his representatives and influence governance. After casting his postal ballot on November 2, 2022, Mr Shyam Saran Negi passed away on November 5, 2022.

Due to ill health, Negi chose to cast his vote by post instead of attending a physical polling booth. This marked the first time that he had not voted in person, due to the challenges posed by age and increasing frailty. Through his experience, he has helped to demonstrate the importance of staying engaged with political processes no matter one's age or health condition.

Shyam Saran Negi is an inspiring example of civic responsibility. He had the opportunity to cast his vote in 34 elections held in his lifetime, and he never missed a single one - not even those for the panchayat. He set an example for us all with his strong commitment to democracy and his dedication to making sure his voice was heard. His steadfast determination has earned him recognition from both the state and central governments for his exemplary record. He shows us that when it comes to elections, every vote counts, and that nothing is too small when it comes to casting a vote. Let's follow Shyam Saran Negi's example and make sure our voices are heard during this important time.


I'm an engineer by profession but I have a natural inclination towards writing, history, art and culture ; specifically Hindu mythology and find its stories and characters fascinating.

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