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Theosophist with a doctorate
India, for centuries has been home to various religions and religious societies of the world. This country has also given to the world a great number of seers and spiritual leaders. One of them was Bhagwan Das, an academician, spiritual leader and freedom fighter, who was also a part of occult traditions, was born today.
Bhagwan Das (Source: Wikipedia)

Bhagwan Das: Theosophist with a doctorate

Born in the plains of Banaras, he would later go on to assist in the construction of the Banaras Hindu University. The Bharat Ratna awardee also went on to contribute a lot to the building blocks of this nation. Along with his nationalistic endeavours, he became a part of the Theosophical society, after being influenced by a speech of Annie Besant.

The Theosophical society is more of an occult religion founded during early 1900's. It focuses primarily on the gurus and borrows subjects from Hinduism and Buddhism. Founded by two Russians, the mission had its headquarters in the south Indian regions. Under the patronage of Besant, the society grew to its peak before shrinking off. It still has a small following in various parts of the world.

Bhagwan Das, a man passionate and fluent in Sanskrit took the stand of Besant while also following in the footsteps of nationalism. He became a member of the Indian National Congress and took upon various struggles, specially in the Non-Cooperation movement.

Though his anti-british advocacy led to colonial reprisals, he was head strong to voice his opinions. With a passion for language, over the years he went on to author 30 books in both Hindi and Sanskrit languages.

As Besant got involved with the conceptualization and formation of the Banaras Hindu University, Bhagwan Das had already been sporting a good rapport with her. He collaborated with Besant to establish the Central Hindu College, now Central Hindu School, governed by the BHU.

He also founded another educational institution called the 'Kashi Vidya peeth' where he also served as the headmaster. His legacy has been honoured and celebrated.


Anami Author
The name Anami in Indian origin means A Name of Lord Buddha.

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