Empower Women, Empower India: The Mission Shakti Story

An effort of the Indian government called 'Mission Shakti,' seeks to uplift and empower women by giving them opportunities for social, economic, and political advancement. This comprehensive program puts a strong emphasis on women's safety, education, employment, and political engagement, assisting in the removal of barriers and fostering the development of a more equitable and just society for all.

Mission Shakti, Image Source- India Map

The advancement of women involves enabling every woman out there to realize her full potential and letting her shine magnificently, which goes far beyond just smashing the glass barrier or challenging society's conventional norms. Empowering women is all about appreciating the individuality that each woman possesses and providing her with the resources and encouragement she needs to succeed. In accordance, our government emerges as a virtuoso, orchestrating remarkable programs and policies that resonate in the hearts of women, propelling them toward success and prosperity.

The ‘Mission Shakti’ initiative was developed by the Indian government for the greater good of women, and it was aimed to be implemented from 2021–22 to 2025–26, the time frame covered by the 15th Finance Commission. Mission Shakti is also a comprehensive program for women's empowerment that was introduced as an overarching plan for the enactment of women's protection, security, and empowerment. As of April 1, 2022, the ‘Mission Shakti’ standards are reportedly in effect. One of the most advantageous policy frameworks for women in the upcoming years is acknowledged to be this one.

The goals of Mission Shakti are seen as productive since they tend to address every general crisis and different facets of women in our society. The policy makes it possible to offer women who have experienced abuse and those who need an immediate and complete spectrum of treatment, support, and help. It also establishes high-quality systems for assisting women who need help or who have been victims of crime or violence, protecting them from harm, and rehabilitating them. Additionally, it attempts to increase women's access to a range of government services. To combat social ills like dowry, domestic abuse, and sexual harassment at work and to advance gender equality, Mission Shakti aims to educate women on their legal rights.


Advancement of Women, Image Source- Indiatimes

Mission Shakti Yojana entails preventing gender-biased sex-selective extermination as well as ensuring the girl child's continuation of life, protection, education, and prosperity. Mission Shakti also emphasizes collaboration with partner ministries, departments, states, and UTs to align policies, programs, and schemes and to foster public-private partnerships for women's safety and empowerment in all spheres of society. By fostering skill development, capacity building, financial literacy, access to microcredit, etc., it also aims to lessen the burden of care on women and raise female labor force participation.

Additionally, the Mission Shakti Policy includes two sub-schemes or branches under it called ‘Sambal’ and ‘Samarthya.’ The sub-scheme ‘Sambal’ places a strong emphasis on the safety and security of women, and it consists of the One Stop Center (OSC), Women Helpline (WHL), Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP), and a new element called Nari Adalats, which are women's collectives that support and facilitate gender justice in society and within families. The empowerment of women is the focus of the ‘Samarthya’ sub-scheme. It includes modified versions of the former Ujjwala, Swadhar Greh, and Working Women Hostel programs. Samarthya currently includes already-existing programs such as the National Creche Scheme for children of working mothers and the Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) under the umbrella of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS). Samarthya also advocates a novel gap funding component for economic empowerment to bridge the divide and pave the way for the financial upliftment of women across the country. Mission


Empowering women, Image Source- prernaup

According to reports, the Mission Shakti Scheme has recently been effectively executed in the states of Odisha and Uttar Pradesh. The UP government introduced the ‘Mission Shakti’ program in October 2020 to promote the rights of women in the state, and the first campaign lasted for six months. The main Mission Shakti initiatives in Uttar Pradesh involved educating women about self-reliance programs in Lucknow that could be helpful to them, offering self-defense training courses, and holding ‘Jan Sunwais’ to address women's issues. Additionally, it promised to expedite the legal proceedings against those guilty of crimes against women.

The second stage of this campaign in UP promised to adopt technical developments that would likely be used to reduce the response time for law enforcement to reach and assist women in an emergency and help prevent crime against women. Additionally, this phase included announcements about the construction of "pink toilets" with adequate illumination for dark stretches, the monitoring of hotspots through CCTV cameras, the use of drones and control centers to install panic buttons, and the installation of CCTV cameras and GPL in city buses. To monitor schools, colleges, and markets, 100 pink two-wheeler patrols and 10 pink four-wheeler patrols were issued for women police officers. A symphony of security, composed to protect and empower, resonated through the land, heralding a brighter future for women across the horizon.

On the other hand, with the government's Mission Shakti policy, Odisha also witnessed numerous announcements and pledges. To empower women in the state of Odisha, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik introduced Mission Shakti in 2001. 'Mission Shakti' received the rank of directorate under Orissa's Department of Women and child development in 2018. Odisha's cabinet approved the state's proposal to establish a distinct "Mission Shakti" department in March 2021. The Department of Housing and Urban Development joined forces with Mission Shakti to create an ensemble of empowerment in an atmosphere of development. Loans to women's self-help organizations reached new heights, exceeding Rs. 5 lakhs, while online services greatly came into effect within the departments of Women and Child Development and Mission Shakti, arranging an uplifting combination of accessibility and support.

In the symphony of progress, the harmonious chords of equality and inclusivity resonate, calling for a society where women and girls find their rightful place in the tapestry of opportunity. Their vibrant voices, long suppressed, now rise with determination to shape the social, economic, and political landscape. Through the initiatives of ‘Mission Shakti,’ the Indian Government takes a decisive step, empowering women and girls and unveiling a newfound understanding of their rights, legal obligations, and the labyrinthine pathways of government programs and policies.


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